• the bible does mention dinosaurs, so the people you were taliking to are probably the type that just goes to church on easter and christmas.

  • Yeah, I forgot about the Mesozoic book of the Bible. It’s right after Thessalonians right?

  • actually i was refering to genesis.

  • I don’t recall any place in Genesis where dinosaurs are mentioned. Leviathon and other immense creatures are referenced in various places, however.

    I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    no, however this refered to an “event” not a “time”. The event occured at a specific time (much as the birth of Jesus, etc.).
    I believe that the Bible is accurate, however it does not mention everything, and obviously many events occurred outside of it.

  • thats what i mean, the leviathon, the bible says it has a tail like a cedar etc. do you know of any animals alive today with tails like cedars? im quite sure this is refering to a dinosaur.

  • I think it was a really big beaver. Lord knows I have seen some that where pretty big and scary. Honest mistake really.

  • @cystic:

    I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    no, however this refered to an “event” not a “time”. The event occured at a specific time (much as the birth of Jesus, etc.).
    I believe that the Bible is accurate, however it does not mention everything, and obviously many events occurred outside of it.

    But Acts 2 doesn’t mention any poison or snakes. It mentions speaking in tongues, but why should it mention only the most unimpressive sign?

  • Moderator



    I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    no, however this refered to an “event” not a “time”. The event occured at a specific time (much as the birth of Jesus, etc.).
    I believe that the Bible is accurate, however it does not mention everything, and obviously many events occurred outside of it.

    But Acts 2 doesn’t mention any poison or snakes. It mentions speaking in tongues, but why should it mention only the most unimpressive sign?

    Because that is the most important! Signs are not as I said meant to convert… if they were people would dwell on that and not seek for God but only a sign(which a lot of people do)… Speaking in the Spirit(or tongues) is a spiritual sign for the believer as a “sign”(it has more of a practical purpose) of communication to the spirit of God from your spirit… Talking with God is to me a better sign…


  • @Meijing:


    I’m not sure why this should refer to the Pentacost. Jesus didn’t mention a time limit.

    no, however this refered to an “event” not a “time”. The event occured at a specific time (much as the birth of Jesus, etc.).
    I believe that the Bible is accurate, however it does not mention everything, and obviously many events occurred outside of it.

    But Acts 2 doesn’t mention any poison or snakes. It mentions speaking in tongues, but why should it mention only the most unimpressive sign?

    Also because people may not have gone out of their way to drink poison/get bitten by snakes. Later in acts it mentions Paul’s encounter with the asp (as i’ve mentioned), as well as many other miracles much greater than poison or snakes.
    But you are reminding me of the pharasees who asked Jesus directly for signs/miracles. Even after performing many for the benefit of other people, he refused this petty request, ignoring them.

  • Believing in the Bible? Statistical impossibility? Drink deadly poison?


    Im sure most of you already know my feelings, but for those who don’t:

    1. Religion is the opiate of the masses
    2. I hate religion, it should burn, and die, then burn some more
    3. God does not exist


  • Moderator

    oh boy whats new :roll:

  • I believe in God and I think he will be cool with Janus. The God in the Bible often seems petty and small. The God I believe in cares what you do, not what you chant. Don’t think Christians chant? Drive by an abortion clinic some time. If that really is God’s choosen, I will take Janus’ route. I would rather burn in hell than spend an afternoon with that lot.

  • If i were going to believe in a god, it would be Norse Gods. those dudes are badass. im sorry, but Thor could kick Jesus’s ass anyday.

    if i had any spirituality in me, i would probably be a buddhist, because thats just cool.

    (dont i have great standards for my beliefs? :wink: )

  • @Lizardbaby:

    I believe in God and I think he will be cool with Janus. The God in the Bible often seems petty and small. The God I believe in cares what you do, not what you chant. Don’t think Christians chant? Drive by an abortion clinic some time. If that really is God’s choosen, I will take Janus’ route. I would rather burn in hell than spend an afternoon with that lot.

    1. The God of the Bible is beyond petty and small - the reason you see it like that is because you have a very tiny peephole through which to look at his actions etc.
    2. where did the chanting line come from? Some Christians chant. Aside from abortion clinics (where both some Christians and non-Christians chant) they appear to chant when saying a prayer collectively.
    3. God’s chosen typically refers to the Jews. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, “God’s chosen” does not refer well to his followers as they typically choose God.

  • im gonna agree with you on this one cc, for once :D

  • Many people (especially Christians) have the habit of interpereting the Bible in the literal sense. Adam and Eve to me probably never existed. What does exist, is their story. Something that the rest of us could learn from, whether or not you do believe in God. I think that the bible is full of myths. What I mean by “myth” is not the story being untrue but the effect on the people in which the story carries. You could read many Greek mythology stories and get a message from it no matter how unbelievable it seems. That is what the bible is to me. Just a bunch of stories which carry a message to its reader.

    The Bible is for fools, you say? In other words, any book which contains a possible lesson to learn, even if it is from something you can’t see or touch or requires some kind of faith to gain relation is wasteful?

    I feel sorry for you then. I know many of you. You like the writing on the cake so you know who’s birthday it is. You take everything literally……

  • I believe in God, but I feel no need to test him by drinking poison.

  • @marine36:

    look around you, how can anyone not believe that god created all these things that work in harmony.

    However, what we see as harmony is only opinion. I can fathom a universe more harmonious, can an all powerful God therefore make something mroe harmonious than I a mortal can fathom.

    im not taking any chances. id much rather go to heaven.

    1. This is PAscal’s wager

    2. If you have looked at the logic of what you put forth, its bull. Yuo have faith in the bible and god, faith is not evidence, nor should you claim it to be. Therefore, it is just as possible that God does not CARE if you believe in it or actually WANTS you not to believe in it. How do you know what pleases God? God might only reward psycotic murderers for all you know. If God rewards anyone based upon beleif, wouldn’t it be most likely that it reward the non-mentally lazy that refuse to use faith as justification and say they just don’t know, the agnostics?

    Something as infinitely great as God cannot be comprehended and its will cannot be known. Don’t try to pretend you know it or how to please it for that matter.

  • 3. God does not exist

    Can you prove this?

    I’m am confident to say that the Christian God does not exist. However, God itself has not been proven wrong.

  • Moderator


    3. God does not exist

    Can you prove this?

    I’m am confident to say that the Christian God does not exist. However, God itself has not been proven wrong.

    Apparantly you haven’t talked alot ot Janus… He says statements like that and then doesn’t back them up…

    And to Janus if you believe Thor could kick Jesus, Then apparantly you have been staring at a lot of Italian Paintings… If Jesus was that weak how could he pull people up by the hand, Endure in the flesh 12 hours of intense torture, hike so many hundreds of miles (estimated at 1200 fro three years) etc. Supposing he is God then he could spot Thor sneaking up to him and Bear Handed beat him up in a recreated body which surpasses anything you have seen(including inter-dimension travel)… Let alone destroy him with supernatural power…


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