• This post is repeated elsewhere under the heading “reading”.
    What’s wif youse guise?
    Games have rules. Rules(in each game)explain how the game is played. Many games have rulebooks. A&A, A&AE, & A&AP(boardgames)have rulebooks. If youse(each player who will play the game) takes the time to read the rulebook you will be able to play the game better and have more fun.
    READ THE F&^$)@G RULEBOOK, felgercarb!
    …and now for another round of…
    “Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead”

  • …… Huh?

  • Quite logic… but why are you posting that ?

  • For the quote, the Civil War is my backyard so I would have to say Admiral David Glasgow Farragut “Old Salamander.” The quote is referring to Farragut’s capture of Mobile Bay, which was entrenched with mines (or torpedoes as they were called at the time).

  • I posted this because I find gamers of all skill levels (yes, even those who seem to give expert opinions on one or more variants of A&A) asking simple questions about a ‘new’ game. Of course, I must admit that I, too, have done this on a rare occassion. I would think that most adults and teenagers(the majority who pay these games and continue to have interest enough to ask questions) would know that hte best way to learn a game is to READ THE RULES.

    If you read the posted forums here you will see SOME(not just a few, but certainly not many) discussions that could easily have been unnecessary had the gamer just read the rules.

    I guess I’m just old fashioned. I like to read. I find that written materials(i.e.,The Constitution of the United States of America and the Axis & Allies: Europe Gameplay Manual) explain rules more clearly and concisely than rambling discussions or discourses(i.e., The Federalist Papers or ANY forum[not just this one].
    Sorry! I’ll get off my soapbox soon. In conclusion, I guess I like to solve A&A dilemas by the manual, board, and discussion with ONE other player(who has also read the manual). Aberrant(Oops! Did I say that? I meant variant) rules are often helpful to liven up a game(i.e., RR or Monopoly’s Free Parking money),too. I find that most other interaction strays from the topic(pay close attention to your next few topical conversations or chatroom[from chatter]interactions with three or more individuals).
    “Vino, video, victo!” - Xi

  • The problem with reading the rules is that most people prefer not to. Well not at first at least. Let me present you with two cases. Let’s say, you’ve never played an A&A game in your life, but you could choose between two situations:

    a) I contact anyone at my local gaming store that has played A&A before and see if they are interested in teaching me on a turn-by-turn basis how to play. This way I can forgo the likely hours in which it would take me to learn the game from the rulebook and start playing immediately. During the game, my mentor teaches me how each move is done, how to attack, land with my planes, ect – pausing the game each time a question comes. If any higher-level questions arise later on (transport loading and unloading, IC questions, ect.), I can consult that player later on or look through my rulebook to try and find an answer now that I have a firm grasp on what everything is and how to play. If there are any disputes, I can just browse through the index of the rulebook to find a suitable answer. This is essentially playing by example.

    b) I take the alternative path and read the rules from the beginning, like you stated. Once I have read and re-read the rules numerous times and tested them on the practice battlefield, I in a turn know how to theoretically play.

    I may not know about anybody else, but I choose option A. For any high level game like Blitzkrieg! And MTG, sometimes reading the small print in the rulebook can be anything but auspicious. I believe it was Plato or Socrates who once said, “To play the fiddle is to play the fiddle.”

  • AMEN! You go, girl! Well said. I accept the premise of your soliloque and will henceforth put up with the questions.
    “If you can see and walk they’ll send you back to the front.” - the common US GI’s comment after the Battle of the Bulge

  • Uh, whatever made you think I was a woman? Must be the feminine side of me (j/k) :smile:

  • On 2002-05-21 16:41, TG Moses VI wrote:
    Uh, whatever made you think I was a woman? Must be the feminine side of me (j/k) :smile:

    It’s just a positive response, dude!

    Should I ask “How’s it hangin’?” to be more gender appropo?
    …and now let’s play…
    “In a pig’s eye!”

  • In some ways, yes. But I think “Dude, How’s is hangin’” is very appealing either.

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