If Hong Kong ‘were’ to become a treaty port within a larger chinese territory……then that territory would be in japanese hands by 1940. The UK only controled Hong Kong and the surronding area before hostillities began with Japan, the Chinese had been pushed from the coast.
So in effect japan already controlls the greater territory.
So mechanicly, in Pacific 40…two UK infantry would be in japanese controlled Kwangtung. BUT the victory city and port would be UK controled. So when you determine who can use the ports benifits? Can japan use it while there isnt a state of war between them and the UK? Can Japan build another port there to use for itself? If japan leaves the territory utterly, does it become UK controlled, Chinese controlled?
A black knight and a white Rook cant both be on E4, thats just not how the game is played
In A&A we have to cope with absurd shaped and sized representations of crucial areas…i mean just look at the size of Japan compared to the Western US in Pacific, it strecthes from Mexico to Seattle, easily.
Flashman, I perfectly understand what youre saying, that the geographic size of Gibraltar, etc. are misrepresented in axis and allies. Considering they are only a few square miles within the larger area. Yet, imagine if the territory simply existed as a seperate territory, but only the size of a pin head. It wouldnt be very easy to play, unless you use gaudy blow up boxes.
I dont think we need to worry about spain joining the axis and having a hard time taking Gibraltar. They will likeley have enough units to simply take Gibraltar by force when and if the time comes. The size and shape of territories is only enlarged for unit placement.