Hi, a group of us are playing AA1940 at the American Legion in Concord, NH on Sunday 16 February at 1:30pm. contact me for more info at mikpel at hotmail dot com
I’m looking to get a game in to warm up for the Gen Con tournament. My Dads 75th bday is also coming up and he, my brother and I have been playing A&A for 20 years.
We typically play 1942 version but have other versions.
Not location-specific, but I’m just hoping to get in touch with anyone who owns or has play-experience with this game. I own a copy myself, and am just looking for anyone knowledgeable, who would like to discuss strategies for the game – and possibly play in some electronic format or another. :)
Good afternoon. looking for companions to play a&a.
The level of the game is low, I play the steam version in the game tabletop simulator.
Russia +3 gmt email mfog07@bk.ru
I’m also looking for opponents for Global 40 (or possibly the 41 or 42 setup). I can do triple A, or, face to face if you are northern VA or MD, or possibly WV. Please PM to coordinate.
My husband and his friends play Axis and Allies and many variations of it. I am searching for fellow A and A players to join in. If interested you can email me…or respond to this thread.