I use them in my game but not G40. Have tweaked them over the years. You roll for 2 each country and use whole game. If you want I can post my chart.
China Changes.
1 AAA Gun added to Shezwan and Yunnan.
China can purchase AAA Guns.
France Changes.
French Fight from London has been removed.
French Cruiser next to Normandy has been removed.
One Battleship added to Normandy.
1 Transport and destroyer added to Bordeaux.
French destroyer in Madagascar has been switched to a Cruiser.
1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Naval Base, 1 Airfield Added to Indochina.
Vichy Rules: Southern France is Pro Axis switch French units to German same with sea zone. All North Africa French Territories are Pro Axis switch French units to German. For Indochina roll a dice on a roll of 5-6 that territory is Pro Axis 1-4 is Allies. The rest are free French.
UK Changes.
1 Infantry added to France and Egypt.
Anzac Changes.
1 Sub added to Sea Zone 54.
Italy Changes.
1 Tactical bomber added to Southern Italy. 1 Infantry added to Libya
Russia Changes.
All Naval units in the Pacific must stay next to Soviet territories until attacked. 1 Destroyer added to Sea Zone 5.
US Changes.
1 AAA Gun Added to Hawaii and Philippines. 1 Artillery added to Philippines. 1 Infantry added to Alaska. 1 Battleship and Aircraft Carrier (Carrying 1 Fight and 1 Tactical Bomber) added to Hawaii.
Japan Changes.
1 Cruiser added to Japan.
German Changes.
One Sub Added to Berlin.
Anymore ideas let me know!
I assume the AAA for China will be represented by US pieces, just like the Flying Tigers?
The Vichy rule should only take effect once Paris falls.
How can a submarine be in Berlin?
Other than that, it looks good! Might try it sometime.
@SuperbattleshipYamato I meant the sea zone by Berlin. Yes it would be USA pieces. Yes Vichy rules take effect after Paris falls.
There are 2 sea zones adjacent to Berlin.
@SuperbattleshipYamato I mean the one on the Right. 😂
Thank you for clarifying!
How do you add a battleship to Normandy, a cruiser to Japan, and ships to Hawaii? I would assume they’re all added to the sea zones adjacent to them, but what about Normandy, which borders two sea zones? Is the French battleship added to sea zone 110?
@SuperbattleshipYamato Yes, 110. I did not know the sea zones. I’m still working on the setup give me some more time.
No worries. I’m thinking of posting a TripleA version of the setup here when you’re done.
Another question:
On a roll of 1-4, does Indochina become pro-Allied, or does it just stay part of France? It has implications for what those units in the territory can do and how its income is distributed.
@SuperbattleshipYamato It becomes free French they move independently.
Thank you for clarifying!
So far:
Global 1940 FranceNeedsMorePower balance.tsvg
Chinese AAA purchases and Vichy France have to be implemented by players and edit mode.
@SuperbattleshipYamato I gave you access to the file.
Are the changes definite? As in, they won’t likely be modified in the future? Thank you!
@SuperbattleshipYamato Yes! Btw The triple A thing is not working for me.
Which version do you use? It’s only compatible with the pre-release 2.7 version (let me know if you need further instructions on how to download it).
@SuperbattleshipYamato It is 2.5.22294
@SuperbattleshipYamato If you could make the file work for version 2.5.22294 Thank alot!
@SuperbattleshipYamato Can you get the 2.5 file for me so I can plug it in, Thanks!