Here we go again. Lol
Game 3: VictoryFirst (CP) vs. Tamer of Beasts (Entente) | WW1 1914, TGC Balance
Thanks, I will look into that issue. For now, what you can do is edit move the infantry in, or use the non-combat movement to unload the infantry. Both methods work. No need to manually make Albania and its units Italian :)
You’ll notice I edited my purchase at the end of my turn. I meant in the first place to buy a fighter, but I guess I accidentally clicked on the artillery. You may not care, but I still thought I’d mention it for the sake of full disclosure. No cheating intended.
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Italians regular : 0.50 Russians regular : 0.00 Germans regular : -0.17
No worries, I always assume my opponents play fairly, whatever they do. If you edit something at the end of your turn, I will assume you made a mistake or forgot something.
Those dice results are usually in the Turn Summary, I simply copy/paste them.
If they are not visible there, you have to enable “Include Overall Dice Statistics”. Then click on “View Turn Summary” again, scroll up and you should see Combat Hit Differential Summary above the Dice Statistics (not sure why it is that way, but it works 😀)
@VictoryFirst Forgot the French (nothing weird happened, though), but here is the UK:
Combat Hit Differential Summary :Ottomans regular : -0.50 British regular : -1.00
I meant how do you get the single dice you roll for extraneous artillery and such?
Oh, that. That’s the a& dicebot, you put inside these brackets [] the word dice XdY, with the X the number of dice and the Y the number of dice sides.
So, to roll one six-sided die you type
[dice 1d6]
and a dicebot message with the die result will automatically be posted. Note that sometimes the die result gets posted earlier than the post of the person who rolled the die.
1d6: 6
Cool! I had no idea, actually. I appreciate it.
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Russians regular : -0.50 Germans regular : 0.67 British regular : -0.50
@VictoryFirst Germans regular : 0.67
AustroHungarians regular : -0.50
British regular : 1.50 -
TripleA Turn Summary: Ottomans round 3
TripleA Turn Summary for game: World War I 1914 Balanced
Game History
Round: 3 Purchase Units - Ottomans Ottomans buy 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - Ottomans 1 artillery and 2 infantry moved from Constantinople to Smyrna 1 artillery and 4 infantry moved from Ankara to Mesopotamia 10 infantry moved from Constantinople to Ankara Combat - Ottomans Battle in Smyrna Ottomans attack with 1 artillery and 2 infantry British defend with 1 infantry Ottomans roll dice for 1 artillery and 2 infantry in Smyrna, round 2 : 3/3 hits, 1.33 expected hits British roll dice for 1 infantry in Smyrna, round 2 : 0/1 hits, 0.50 expected hits 1 infantry owned by the British lost in Smyrna Ottomans win, taking Smyrna from British with 1 artillery and 2 infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 3 Casualties for British: 1 infantry Combat Move - Ottomans Place Units - Ottomans 6 infantry placed in Constantinople Turn Complete - Ottomans Ottomans collect 17 PUs; end with 17 PUs
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Ottomans regular : 1.67 British regular : -0.50
I managed to turn this game into a forum game. All you need to do now is click on"Play by forum", do your turn and then click on “Post Turn Summary”.
Actually, you need to fill in your forum username and password I believe before starting the game. It will auto-remember your username but not your password, even when “Remember Password” is checked (at least for me it doesn’t work lol)
When I try, it tells me my username does not exist. Hence I played it by email.
Yeah so you would have to switch from the TripleA Forum to A&A forum, but on second thought I prefer to play by email and just send the save file because if you play by forum you have to post that turn summary.
Germans regular : 0.00
Russians regular : -7.67 -