• Congratulations padawan you have done well.  “We will be watching your career with great interest”  No in all seriousness that is good.  That is not easily done.  Well I hope you can get a play group going.  I’m still looking for people in my neck of the woods.  Good luck on your road test.

  • @Bismark:

    Hi….I  live  in Ancaster…am  a  big  fan  of  Axis  and  Allies…I  have  the  AA50  and  love it…just  bought  the  AAP40  and  am  waiting  to  Get  the  new  Europe  game  in  the  spring  to  make  a  massive  war  table.

    Hey Bismark; also looking for local players - I’m in the Brantford/Cambridge area…looking for players is much like finding a needle in a - well you get the idea.

  • My friend and I are veteran players (15 years) of a few different A&A games. We both live in the Mississauga area and are both well over the age of majority which helps as we indulge in a few cold ones and a whiskey or two or ten while playing.  Looking to get a game going sometime in the future with anyone who is interested!

  • @Enigmatic_Decay:

    My friend and I are veteran players (15 years) of a few different A&A games. We both live in the Mississauga area and are both well over the age of majority which helps as we indulge in a few cold ones and a whiskey or two or ten while playing.  Looking to get a game going sometime in the future with anyone who is interested!

    Cool; little bit of a drive for me but hell, the nice weather is coming…keep in touch…

  • Not a problem Adam, I also drive so as the weather warms up we’ll have to get something set up. It’d be nice to find some other players who fancy a game in our area as well!

  • Hi  guys……just  checked  in    for the  first  time  in  some  time…ok…so  there  are  some  people  playing  not  too  far  away  (Brantford…mississauga etc)…my  email  is pleaurichard@hotmail.com…  get  in  touch  and  we  can  perhaps  find  a  way  to  release  the  dogs  of  war…lol

  • @miragehunter:

    Why do we have to so spread out.  :-(  I live in Rochester, NY just down the way from you.

    I live in Watertown, NY let me know if you’d be interested.


  • '12

    I’m in the Niagara Region and play against a friend who is local fairly often as well as a friend in Hamilton once in a blue moon.  They’re both married with kids and day jobs however.  My work is flexible and with no wife or kids I have a bit more freedom to play.  I’ve had game board setup at my place for over a month as it required 4 five hour nights to play it out!  I don’t mind road trips as it seems I am out on the periphery.  Axis & Allies 2nd Edition 100+ games and 1942 about 15 games I have both as well as the original Pacific game although I have never played it other than a simulated run through against myself to get a feel for it.  I win about 85% of my games but against the same few people probably means I am going to be in for a rude awakening against somebody with a new perspective!

  • @cts17:

    To say the least, I’ll have difficulties getting to you, seeing as I have yet to ‘come of age,’ and obviously am hesitant to meet you, for whatever purposes. In any case, any playing will be quite rare (re: once per year), but I will definitely try to set a date to meet you and spend a stormy afternoon showing you the meaning of blitzkrieg!

    You can play by this forum, but it is not as fun though.

  • Just ordered A&A Europe and pacific 40. After I test out a few ideas over the next few weeks I will be looking to get a game in with some locals. (Alas my friend who plays A&A just moved to Hungary for a year to complete his degree) Anyone in the sothern Ontario region who might want a game, let me know!


  • @Enigmatic_Decay Are you still on this site? are you still interested?

  • @cts17 Are you still on this site? are you still interested?

  • @Grinchveld yep, just really strapped for time lately. Hoping to be back on here over the next few months. 3 kids, 2 jobs and working on completing my masters degree so I haven’t been active here for some time. Will be done at the end of September and getting back on here more regularly is the goal.

  • @Enigmatic_Decay Your life is definitely busy, If you ever get a chance let me know and we will see if we can get a game going. Good luck with your Masters!

  • @Grinchveld thanks, hoping to be all done by the last week of September, what versions do you have/play?

  • @Enigmatic_Decay I have 1942 revised version. D-day and Guadalcanal .
    I am trying to learn 1940 Pacific and europe but haven’t played them agaisnt real people yet, just AI on tripleA

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