Looking to get a group going in Sudbury, Ontario
My friend and I are veteran players (15 years) of a few different A&A games. We both live in the Mississauga area and are both well over the age of majority which helps as we indulge in a few cold ones and a whiskey or two or ten while playing. Looking to get a game going sometime in the future with anyone who is interested!
Cool; little bit of a drive for me but hell, the nice weather is coming…keep in touch…
Not a problem Adam, I also drive so as the weather warms up we’ll have to get something set up. It’d be nice to find some other players who fancy a game in our area as well!
Hi guys……just checked in for the first time in some time…ok…so there are some people playing not too far away (Brantford…mississauga etc)…my email is pleaurichard@hotmail.com… get in touch and we can perhaps find a way to release the dogs of war…lol
Why do we have to so spread out. :-( I live in Rochester, NY just down the way from you.
I live in Watertown, NY let me know if you’d be interested.
I’m in the Niagara Region and play against a friend who is local fairly often as well as a friend in Hamilton once in a blue moon. They’re both married with kids and day jobs however. My work is flexible and with no wife or kids I have a bit more freedom to play. I’ve had game board setup at my place for over a month as it required 4 five hour nights to play it out! I don’t mind road trips as it seems I am out on the periphery. Axis & Allies 2nd Edition 100+ games and 1942 about 15 games I have both as well as the original Pacific game although I have never played it other than a simulated run through against myself to get a feel for it. I win about 85% of my games but against the same few people probably means I am going to be in for a rude awakening against somebody with a new perspective!
To say the least, I’ll have difficulties getting to you, seeing as I have yet to ‘come of age,’ and obviously am hesitant to meet you, for whatever purposes. In any case, any playing will be quite rare (re: once per year), but I will definitely try to set a date to meet you and spend a stormy afternoon showing you the meaning of blitzkrieg!
You can play by this forum, but it is not as fun though.
Just ordered A&A Europe and pacific 40. After I test out a few ideas over the next few weeks I will be looking to get a game in with some locals. (Alas my friend who plays A&A just moved to Hungary for a year to complete his degree) Anyone in the sothern Ontario region who might want a game, let me know!
@Enigmatic_Decay Are you still on this site? are you still interested?
@cts17 Are you still on this site? are you still interested?
@Grinchveld yep, just really strapped for time lately. Hoping to be back on here over the next few months. 3 kids, 2 jobs and working on completing my masters degree so I haven’t been active here for some time. Will be done at the end of September and getting back on here more regularly is the goal.
@Enigmatic_Decay Your life is definitely busy, If you ever get a chance let me know and we will see if we can get a game going. Good luck with your Masters!
@Grinchveld thanks, hoping to be all done by the last week of September, what versions do you have/play?
@Enigmatic_Decay I have 1942 revised version. D-day and Guadalcanal .
I am trying to learn 1940 Pacific and europe but haven’t played them agaisnt real people yet, just AI on tripleA