• @i:

    pourquis BD you cant handel bevers!!! or ower invention of hockey??

    Don’t know what that meant, but I love hockey.

  • My requests are no typos, enough pieces to play, and no need for errata.

  • @Brain:

    My requests are no typos, enough pieces to play, and no need for errata.


    My requests are no typos, enough pieces to play, and no need for errata.

    Is there an echo in here.

  • '22 '19 '18

    One request I have is that central america and eastern US are not adjacent.

  • I request a dynamic North African/Middle Eastern Front! I also request a game in which Germany can’t capture a single territory and be on equal industrial footing with the US… I find Revised guilty of violating both of these requests! :-P

  • My requests for Europe are:

    1. Scrap the Euro
    2. Rename Estonia (Gwlachstonia perhaps?)
    3. Greece should switch countries with Mexico (since their currency is worth the same)
    4. Portugal and Spain should merge (I think this would look better on the map, and it would make it easier for me in Total War Empire)

  • A mediteraninan sea beg enough that UK cant reach Egypt from Gibraltar, so Italy has a chance to attack them
    A UK “government in Exile” rule so the game isnt a wash on G2 with a successful sea lion
    A US atlantic fleet with more than just…2 transports 1 destroyer (id like at least 2 destroyers and a cruiser on the coast, and a destroyer cruser at the panama canal)
    A German Battleship and Cruiser near denmark, and with a clear path to open sea in the atlantic
    A russian NO that doesnt kick in untill US and USSR are both at war with germany
    A 7 territory north africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisa, Lybia, Tripolitania, Upper Egypt and Sianai Penisula)
    A minor factory in South Africa, and two minors in Canada (Ontairo, Quebec)
    Convoy zones in the atlantic that are in “open water” sea zones, that the german player can choose who to attack (a convoy in a zone in the middle of the atlantic, but germany can pick any allied space within 3 to convoy raid)
    A bomber to start for italy, 2 for germany 2 for UK, 2 for US
    UK starts with 1 INF, 1 ART, 1 MEC, 3 FTR, 1 TAC,  2 BMR…and a strung out but big fleet
    Units to start the game on gibraltar, and malta

  • I request a great game and a promise of more in the future.

  • Its cool that many of the early request have already been answered. The Baltic will be 3 sz. The north sea will be 2 sz (between UK & Germany), and Germany will have a direct coast line there. Denmark is the gateway to the Baltic (new straight rule), and RAF can’t reach Baltic fleet from UK and return (w/o LRA anyway). UK will have to first have somewhere to land safely, and Russia won’t be an option early on as it should be neutral. So before UK could mount an attack on the Baltic fleet it will need to take some tt, unless Germany/Russia go to war. I do hope that Germany starts w/BB (or at least a couple cruisers) & support ships in Baltic, along w/many subs in the North Sea/Atlantic. I too would like to see the Brits BB in the Atlantic make it through rd#1. The Med will be interesting, as it sounds like Gibraltar will play a similar role to Denmark. Neutral Turkey will be the only way to gain access in/out of the Black Sea w/surface ships anyway (can you imagine a small starting Russian fleet). Not sure if Larry is allowing subs to pass through straights.

    Its a bummer the release got moved from the orig June date to Aug, but it will be worth the wait if the rule book and other production problems are all worked out. That’s my biggest request.

  • Also, a German BB (Tirpitz) off the coast of Norway to chomp on Allied convoys :evil:! Also, an increased importance for UK Mediterranean bases (Gibraltar, Malta, Cyprus), although it sounds like Gibraltar will already be playing a more important role. Planes should be able to attack convoys.

  • I would like resources to be added to the game. Oil in particular. IPC’s and Oil.

  • @Brain:

    I would like resources to be added to the game. Oil in particular. IPC’s and Oil.

    No way. Definitely not. I would be fine with resources. As in oil, steel, wood, food, labor, and what not. But all or nothing. I don’t want some random stupid oil rule thrown in with ipcs if all the other resources used are not included as well (and they won’t be).

  • I am all for that, I just thought we could start with one at a time, but you’re right. Like I said somewhere else today, we need an advanced version of A&A.

  • My requests:
    1. Railways
    2. Lend Lease

    For these first two, you can see my posts under the appropriate headings.

    3. Britain continues post Sealion.
    4. Vichy France & Free French rules.
    5. An initiative roll when one side in a battle are submarines only, so that subs can submerge or even move one zone to avoid a battle if they win initiative. This would force the anti-submarine (ASW) forces to spread out and cover more sea zones and not concentrate on one spot.  Knowing exactly where the sub is sets up quick kills and a short sub campaign, which is extremely unrealistic.  (I do like the new convoy rules of AAP40, but we need convoys in mid-ocean for the Atlantic.)

    As for an Advanced A&A, I thought that is what house rules are for.  It would have to be more formal than simply sending in house rules to the forum (which has its place, of course).  House rule contributions would have to be placed in the appropriate section of the Advanced Rules by a moderator/controller/editor.  One of his/her responsibilities would be to cross-reference where one house rule negates or conflicts with an original rule or another house rule.  Yeah, it could get pretty messy and time consuming. Oh right, like wargaming isn’t already time consuming?  Anyway, my sarcasm, aside, I would appreciate response to my ideas.

  • My only request is that they do a little more proofreading and pre flight checks!

  • @spectre_04:

    My only request is that they do a little more proofreading and pre flight checks!

    Why should they do that when they can use us for free.

  • @mike55:

    5. An initiative roll when one side in a battle are submarines only, so that subs can submerge or even move one zone to avoid a battle if they win initiative. This would force the anti-submarine (ASW) forces to spread out and cover more sea zones and not concentrate on one spot.  Knowing exactly where the sub is sets up quick kills and a short sub campaign, which is extremely unrealistic.  (I do like the new convoy rules of AAP40, but we need convoys in mid-ocean for the Atlantic.)

    I like it; although the sub rules have confused many novices/newcomers with its special abilities over the years, I still welcome a rule similar to this.


    I checked the other day and forgot that the original Europe gave Germany a whopping 10 U-boats to begin with but they all ended up at the bottom of the Atlantic in about 2 rounds…sigh  :roll:

  • A more epic north Africa. One were Germany or Italy can’t take Egypt turn one.
    A better battle of the atlantic. Something with Canada so the UK is forced to build units there so they have to be shipped over.
    Better neutrals rules. I don’t just want to invade neutrals I want to get there ipc’s and there empire to go to war with my enemy.
    Lastly vichy france

  • @finnman:

    I don’t just want to invade neutrals I want to get there ipc’s and there empire to go to war with my enemy.

    Speaking of… Mongolia being worth nothing was just an exception right? It was b/c something about not really worth much, and their troops can’t attack b/c they’re just tribes right? But for countries like Sweden and Spain, they will actually fight and be worth something, right?

  • @The:


    I don’t just want to invade neutrals I want to get there ipc’s and there empire to go to war with my enemy.

    Speaking of… Mongolia being worth nothing was just an exception right? It was b/c something about not really worth much, and their troops can’t attack b/c they’re just tribes right? But for countries like Sweden and Spain, they will actually fight and be worth something, right?

    I would hope it’s exception but I’m really not sure.

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