• @MaherC:

    the point being, we shouldn’t have to supplement their game…

    Yeah, I got that point. My point is when a company fails to provide all the goods as advertised, you can adapt and still play the game without waiting around for weeks to see if the company will actually follow through on supplying the missing pieces.

    You can sit around and complain, or figure out how to play the game in the mean time. I usually go for the later.

  • You will always need to supplement A&A games as they keep including less in their games.

  • @JasonW:


    the point being, we shouldn’t have to supplement their game…

    Yeah, I got that point. My point is when a company fails to provide all the goods as advertised, you can adapt and still play the game without waiting around for weeks to see if the company will actually follow through on supplying the missing pieces.

    You can sit around and complain, or figure out how to play the game in the mean time. I usually go for the later.

    As long as people take it on the chin and don’t take the 5 min to call and complain, this will continue to happen.

    If you want to order extra pieces from a 3rd party, great.  You shouldn’t have to.  Call and complain like the rest of us and help the cause. :)

  • Do you know if they have french customer service?
    If yes, sur i would call, in the other case, i’m not good enough in english when it come to talk, i barely good enough to write!

  • Just memorize this phrase
    “I don’t have enough japanese tactical bombers”  ;)

  • Hehehe Nice,
    And  then i close the phone,
    Thats it thats all!

  • @Boyardee:

    Hehehe Nice,
    And  then i close the phone,
    Thats it thats all!

    Don’t forget a little “tabernac” to get the message thru!  :lol:

  • hehehe, thank, i would have forget.
    And trust me, i have a few other expression like that!

  • I know people who received via USPS in a small bubble envelope Tac Bombers from WOTC.  Guy got his Thurs and another one today.

  • @Boyardee:

    Do you know if they have french customer service?
    If yes, sur i would call, in the other case, i’m not good enough in english when it come to talk, i barely good enough to write!

    I don’t think those chimps understand English or any other language. They only know a few select words such as mana and magic.

  • @Brain:


    Do you know if they have french customer service?
    If yes, sur i would call, in the other case, i’m not good enough in english when it come to talk, i barely good enough to write!

    I don’t think those chimps understand English or any other language. They only know a few select words such as mana and magic.

    “Hello WotC.  I’m calling about my ‘Axis and Allies: Pacific Gathering’ boxed set.  My japanese deck is drastically lacking tactical bomber creature spells even though I have plenty of IPC mana to summon them with.  I am unable to summon more even after my initial upkeep phase on the first round, please can you send me some more japanese tactical bomber creature spells to help me out?”

  • Yeah, i think you founf the correct wording.

  • Most of what I’ve seen on here has been complaints about the tac bomber shortage and WotC’s replys to complaint emails, but I’ve seen little about anything else. What about the board and the rulebook? Those mistakes are HUGE  :-o! I feel like it’s kind of unreasonable to ask them to send me a whole new map, and they probably don’t even have correct ones printed, but this is completely ridiculous. Does anyone know how they plan to address such blatant carelessness besides saying sorry and telling us to improvise?

  • Unfortunately…. you answered your own question.  Sorry…  But look at the bright side.  The home brew stuff that some of the members are making to fix the WOTC’s mistakes are beautiful.  So there is is silver lining to the storm cloud.   :-D

  • @McMan:

    What about the board and the rulebook? Those mistakes are HUGE  :-o!

    And some are just funny, like the CHINESE destroyer and submarine in the example at the bottom of page 11.

  • Wait…so you’re saying my Chinese forces shouldn’t be buying strategic bombers?  :?


  • @valthonis:

    Wait…so you’re saying my Chinese forces shouldn’t be buying strategic bombers?   :?


    They can but only if the Burma Road is open… and extended westward to Cairo.

  • @allboxcars:


    Wait…so you’re saying my Chinese forces shouldn’t be buying strategic bombers?   :?


    They can but only if the Burma Road is open… and extended westward to Cairo.

    Lol I’m pretty sure it was a joke. Chinese have 1 Fighter, but otherwise can ONLY buy infantry if Burma Road isn’t open, and they can add Artillary if it’s open. They can’t get any other types of units at all.

  • @Mino1124:


    They can but only if the Burma Road is open… and extended westward to Cairo.

    Lol I’m pretty sure it was a joke. Chinese have 1 Fighter, but otherwise can ONLY buy infantry if Burma Road isn’t open, and they can add Artillary if it’s open. They can’t get any other types of units at all.

    :-o what??  :-o

    OK somebody tell the Chinese infantry if anybody still has the receipt for their shovel…

  • I got my 6 tac bombers today and new battle strip. Kudos WOTC you came thru!!!

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