Hi, @Krieghund I have two questions about the victory conditions of this game.
In the original manual it states:
“To win the game, the capturing player must still be in control of the enemy capital and his own capital at the beginning of his next turn.”
But in the official FAQ it states:
“Q. I’m confused; just how many capitals must Germany capture in order to win?
A. The Germans need to capture only one capital to win, but they must also control their own capital
(Germany) at the same time. You need to control both of those capitals, simultaneously, for one
complete round (the end of your turn until the end of your next turn).”
Bold emphasis mine. Is it beginning of your next turn or the end of your next turn? For what it’s worth, the original Pacific manual “said beginning of next turn.”
The next quick question is let’s say the US player conquers Berlin but Germany captures Moscow. Assuming the German player cannot recapture Berlin in the following turn, do the Allies have to recapture Moscow to officially win the game? Or does the game end because the US player retains his capital? To quote the manual:
“If you are one of the Allied powers (Great Britain, United States, or Soviet Union), you must occupy Germany and hold it until your next turn. You must also control your home country. (The Soviet player must retain control of Moscow.)”
The “home country” is the questionable part. It makes it seem like only the player conquering Germany must retain his capital, and other Allied capitals are irrelevant.
Thank you for your time!