@Black_Elk Philippines SZ Placing Nicely. NG as well lol
Screenshot from 2023-07-06 00-25-05.png
Update to Version 1.85
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.85 9/29/23
Fix Sea Zone 98 Border with Syria and Jordan
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
@VictoryFirst @Panzerstahl-Helm
This fixes 98 SZ and Jordan Syria Border. It was whacking out when you’d edit a dude to jordan or syria. As usual Elkstar fixed us :+1:
The easiest way to update, is to DL latest 1.85 and swap games folders with your current.
@Panzerstahl-Helm I know Victory is familiar with the process but in case you aren’t or for anyone who isn’t
Go to triplea folder
games is what needs to be switched. Reason is, because it has the xml in it and if that changes saved games won’t work.
Let me know if you have any trouble.
@VictoryFirst @Panzerstahl-Helm I just noticed that adding the microdot Fctry to the Boxes is going to require another Place for some of them.
I’ll do a fix after the game. I guess we only need it for our game Stahl. Me and Victory started ours before I added them. The micro Fctrys allows to place directly into box during Place phase.
This will take a little longer than i thought. I need to adjust the Place as well as add another one to the small(er) Boxes so they look good.
The Micro Factory doesn’t place until after Purchase Phase before Politics. So the initial box appearance will change after they place.
The bigger issue is, you have to be careful not to remove them in Edit. Either make sure you click on the unit you want or when selecting All, make sure to deselect it.
Sadly, there is no other way to have the Factory there without it being editable. Just another Player Enforced situation. :)
Of course the Factory is just there to make placing easier. If you have an entire Army or Corps being placed at end turn, you can just place directly to the box is there reason for being :)
Anyway, I’ll dial it in after bit. :)
yea, so there’s 17 I need todo. Not a biggie, just need to get my head right for it.
It shows up as overflow right now and only when you got max dudes for the box. So, not that frequent.
At any rate, we want it to be as best as it can be, so we’ll dial before next update :)
@Panzerstahl-Helm sorry for spamming our game thread :flushed:
@VictoryFirst @The-Captain here are the updated Notes
Update to 1.865
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.865 10/18/23
Fix Sea Zone 125 No Allied Units in Russia Objective so Changer Landmines can be Present.
Move “Develop Weapons” to Early 1943.
Version 1.864 10/14/23 Fix “TotalWar_Bomber” not showing up in German Purchase Window.
Version 1.863 10/12/23 Change Bermuda to British Control. Fix 15 Sea Zone Place.
Version 1.861 10/6/23 Correct “Waffen Artillery” Game Notes.
Version 1.86 10/3/23 Fix USA National Guard Activating Twice when Japan Attacks USA After a UK DOW Only.
Fix Placement for Boxes. Game Note Clarification.
Fix USA National Guard Not Activating after Japan Attacks UK/ANZAC.
Remove “Heavy_BB_Repair”. “Heavy_BB” is Repaired with “Repair_BB”. Explained in Game Notes.
Add Jordan Island Back to Jordan.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.87
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.87 10/26/23
Fix Russian “TotalWar_Bomber” Not Placing Correctly. Change some Unit Images. Clarify some Game Notes.
Add “US and UK Lend-Lease” as a Game Option.
Prevent Kansu Rail Placement when Japanese Controlled. Use Edit if Needed.
Remove “waffen_infantry2”.
Version 1.869 10/25/23
Fix “Take Over Italy” Prompt Continuing to Show Up Every Round After Accepted.
Version 1.868 10/23/23
Fix “Escorts” Not Blocking.
Version 1.867 10/21/23
Clarify Game Notes on “Transports”, Strategic Bombing, “Type XXI” U-boats, “Rockets” and “Army Groups”.
Version 1.866 10/19/23
Tweak Gilbert Islands Place.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.871
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.871
Fix Escorts Not Transporting “Naval Mines”. Tweak Bessarabia and Egypt Place.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.872
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.872
Shrink “Naval Mines”. Tweak Belarus Place.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.873
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.873
Add Combat “…_EngineerAttack”. Tweak Southern Italy Place.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
just because it looks so fckn cool :)
The blue Lake with the yellow I hadn’t seen before :)
Update to 1.874
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.874
Fix Japan China Objective. Fix “Take Over Italy” Token Not Showing Up. Make Russian Total War Tanks Require a Major Factory to Place.
Prevent Total War Builds in India. Fix Yunnan Place.
Add Lend Lease Tokens for Russia.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.875
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.875
Change “aaGun” Transport Cost to Same as “Armour”.
Made German Air Transport the only one that can Carry Tank Units.
Allow Germany to Build Total War Units in Italy.
Add “Luftwaffe” and “Fighter Aces”.
Escorts and Convoys Now Auto Change in Most Situations.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.876
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.876
Add “Fighter Aces” to the Timetable.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.877
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.877
Add “Fighter Aces” to the Timetable for 1943 Mod.
Remove Purchase Option for Lend Lease Tokens in 1943 Mod.
Make Bermuda it’s Own Territory.
Update Rules Link in Game Notes to Revised Edition.
Make Waffen Oberst Air Transportable.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Update to 1.878
Change Log UHD Boxes:
Version 1.878
Make “Fighter Aces” only able to Place in there Capital.
Remove Major Factory Requirement for Russian Total War Tanks.
Update Landmine Notes.
DL Instructions https://www.axisandallies.org/forums/topic/39844/global-40-expansion-boxes?page=1
DL link, always same, https://github.com/beelee1/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes
Hi Elk
Having trouble getting the new baseline. I keep getting the map size error.
I tried saving to /triplea/downloadedMaps/global_40_expansion_uhd_boxes/map
I tried changing map.png to baseTiles but got same result.
I just went with the default here and tried it without as well.
Then it says all Finished but after I go to gimp and change the baseline, I get the above map size error.
I save the gimp and then renamed the .xcf to .png I also tried puttin a empty baseTiles folder in map at start.
Anyway, where am I fckn up ? lol
The eraser repainting doesn’t seem to be working in gimp for me either but one thing at a time.
Although some things are fun two at a time :) we’ll keep it to one at a time here :)
hi @Black_Elk
sadly I’m too stupid to figure this out. Idky it won’t work. At least the border. It did for the syria fix
Anyway 3-4 hours and once again with multiple trys and i can’t get it to work. I think it might have sometheing todo with the save to map.png I did it to map as well and neither worked.
On a positive note, the map width error didn’t showup.
At any rate, if you feeling better, … I need help again :(
@barnee No worries. Not sure on the GIMP stuff, you’re running on linux right? maybe a case/name thing? Anyhow just threw together a quickie for your boxes one. There might be a little jank artifacting where I copied over the new line and replaced the area of the old, but I think it should read fine for now. Just have to run it through the tiler breaker and assign the new polys for the tile like the other one. Let me know if it worked for ya
@Black_Elk right arm ! Thanks boss !