• Official Q&A


    I know I’m jumping the gun.

    Yup, I’m afraid so.  Sorry, I can’t answer that right now.  :-(

  • Well at least it leaves the door open for now. :-D

  • from what ive read from larry….UK will be two territiories
    id prefer it to be one, for scrambling purposes

  • Hopefully there’ll be a rule

  • Official Q&A


    Ok, thanks Krieghund. This makes a lot more sense. The rulebook is rather unclear on this point.

    Yes, it is.  Unfortunately, a very important phrase was left out of the final edit:

    However, any combat movements against British, Dutch, ANZAC, or American territories, troops, or ships by the Japanese (unless they are attacked first) will bring all of the Allied powers into the war.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    Don’t forget convoys.

  • I’m assuming that if Japan takes New Hebrides before J4, that’s also a declaration of war on the Allies?

  • @hyogoetophile:

    I’m assuming that if Japan takes New Hebrides before J4, that’s also a declaration of war on the Allies?

    I don’ think so, they can invade FIC without declaring war.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    French Indo-China is the only territory that can be invaded without declaring war on the Allies.



    I’m assuming that if Japan takes New Hebrides before J4, that’s also a declaration of war on the Allies?

    I don’ think so, they can invade FIC without declaring war.

  • @Craig:



    I think I’ve answered this one already.


    Post the rule book.

    Must have missed it in all this posting traffic.

    Quote from: Brain Damaged on December 05, 2009, 09:10:55 am
    djensen should post a copy of the rulebook.

    And risk never getting an advance copy ever again? No way. Sorry guys. I will try to write up a rules differences guide before release (I hope).


    Thanks Yope,

    But what is wrong with posting the rule book?

  • @djensen:

    French Indo-China is the only territory that can be invaded without declaring war on the Allies.



    I’m assuming that if Japan takes New Hebrides before J4, that’s also a declaration of war on the Allies?

    I don’ think so, they can invade FIC without declaring war.

    That’s strange, they can invade the French territory that has IPC value but not the one that’s worthless?

  • Keeps the game true to it’s roots, WWII. And from what I know, once turn three is completed, regardless of how the game is going, everyone automatically declares war on Japan.

  • @maverick_76:

    Keeps the game true to it’s roots, WWII. And from what I know, once turn three is completed, regardless of how the game is going, everyone automatically declares war on Japan.

    A launching pad that close to Australia early game without declaring war could be incredibly useful though.

    EDIT: Also, not sure if this has already been addressed, but can you make a NB or AB in a territory the turn you acquire it?

  • FIC was Vichy France and alowed Japan install bases and enter troops

    French Pacific islands were Free France so it has sense they don’t allow Japan enter

  • @Funcioneta:

    FIC was Vichy France and alowed Japan install bases and enter troops

    French Pacific islands were Free France so it has sense they don’t allow Japan enter

    Ok thanks.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    I actually didn’t have to sign an NDA. It’s just a matter of two things: (a) I want to avoid an copyright infringements that posting the rule book would involved and (b) maintain goodwill with Wizards so that I can continue to get early copies of the game so that I can keep doing previews.


    I was just reposting his earlier statement that he can’t post the rule book and why he can’t do it.  I thought that was quite clear.  I am not trying to piss you off, I am just trying to help clear things up.

    DJensen probably had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) (or something similar) to be in a position to receive a preview copy of the game before the regular release.  As such, he can’t post documents like the whole rulebook.  That is something that only the company can do.

    Now, if you want to get into a discussion of why the company doesn’t publish the rulebook prior to release as a way to increase interest, then that is a different topic all together.

    I would say that continually harping on Djensen to do something that he said he couldn’t do is counterproductive.  Vent your frustrations on the company for not putting the rule book out there for your early viewing.

  • I have a question that I don’t believe has been asked.  Do allied ships ‘block’ the movement of Japan boats before war is declared?  And if not does Japan have to declare war before doing her combat moves, or can she make all her CMs and then declare war?

  • Official Q&A


    Do allied ships ‘block’ the movement of Japan boats before war is declared?

    No.  A sea zone is only hostile if it contains surface warships belonging to a power with which you are at war.


    And if not does Japan have to declare war before doing her combat moves, or can she make all her CMs and then declare war?

    When you make a combat move against a power with which you are not yet at war, a state of war immediately results.  This means that all sea zones containing surface warships belonging to that power are immediately hostile, so the normal rules of combat movement apply.  The only exception is that if your transports start their movement in a sea zone that has just become hostile as a result of the attack they may still load units in that sea zone.

    This is a little unclear in the rules, and will be in the FAQ.

  • so I would get 1 ‘free’ combat move so to speak, then after my first combat move against Uk/Az/US I would be considered at war for all further combat moves?  So for example, if the US had a destroyer in SZ 25, and I had a japan fleet in SZ 6 from which I moved 1 submarine into SZ 26 and use it to attack a US fleet in SZ 26, my battleship and transport in SZ 6 would then NOT be able to move to SZ 26 unless the US destroyer was destroyed because I am now at war.  However, if I were to move the transport first it would be able to bypass the destroyer and I would be free to clear SZ 26 with airpower and allow my transport to land troops.  If this is unclear just say and I will reword it.

  • @Krieghund:


    Do allied ships ‘block’ the movement of Japan boats before war is declared?

    No.  A sea zone is only hostile if it contains surface warships belonging to a power with which you are at war.

    So and allied power can make a non-combat movement ending in a seazone containing surface warships belonging to an axis power (and vice versa) if war has not been declared between them?

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