There is a rule I live by in my industry.
“Your success is my success, and my success is your success.”
Invariably, both of you will benefit from this endeavor.
Get your employer to pay for your training if they are willing.
I have a dilema:
In the Summer of 2009 I took a course in English Lit, trying to get it out of the way. I was confident in the course since her tests were open book and by the week prior to the Final I had acquired a grade that was above 90. Her final was going to be open book, so I knew I definitely had an A. But then unfortunately her mother was hospitalized and passed away during the last week. So instead of giving a Final she decided to weigh the grade in other categories (most of which for me fell into a single essay which I had gotten a C on for over-achieving) and that dragged me down to an 86. I am a Writing major so you can imagine any ENGL classes help me in Departmental scholarships, Honor Societies (scholarships), and other opportunities. And so far I have been able to get A’s except for 2 math classes. As you can imagine this is really cutting into me.
So I have let the passing of her mom drift beyond a couple months and I went to her a couple weeks back and asked her if she could re-give me the final (since it was listed on the syllabus as something that would be given). She claims that if she gives it to me she would have to inform everyone and offer the final to them as well. The class was 25+ from several schools who were taking it on break like me to get rid of another basic course. My question is, is the unspoken “contract” of the syllabus binding to the class or to the individual student with their professor? I am pursuing a path where she is reviewing all the grades she gave me but there is no guarantee so I am wondering, is she just not wanting to add another grade into the book or is she truly bound by some ethical boundary. The way I see it she has no clause that ties me with any other person in that class, only with me if I approach her concerning the grade.
Thanks for any help,
She is correct that she would need to offer any final to all students. Asking for a review of your own grades and work is about all you can ask for.
Other than that you would need to seek out some sort of administrative way to get the ‘black mark’ off your record via audit or whatever (I’m long done with school so you’re on your own.) Does your university have a means of ‘appealing’ a grade in a case where you feel you have been treated unfairly?
I’d think the mere suggestion of taking that sort of action could get you what you want.
Well if it’s worth foghting for. Just remember that there is always somebody that she has to answer to and that is who you need to talk to if you aare at a dead end with her.
I would suspect she will give you some benefit, but it may not be enough to get a B moved to an A. Generally the Department Head can mediate any disagreements of this sort, but you have to consider the possibility of offending the teacher or the Department Head. I don’t understand how someone gets a C for overachieving. If you need scholarships and such, what other writing projects are you involved in? Do you contribute to school publications?
I gave her more then what was required, and so she docked me for that. I know it isn’t technically “overachieving”, but it was irritating nonetheless. I’ve thought about going to the department head, but then again, I might as well force her hand and get a Final. But yes it is like you say: to what extent do I want to tick professors off, especially in my field of study.
I gave her more then what was required, and so she docked me for that. I know it isn’t technically “overachieving”, but it was irritating nonetheless. I’ve thought about going to the department head, but then again, I might as well force her hand and get a Final. But yes it is like you say: to what extent do I want to tick professors off, especially in my field of study.GG
That is nonsense. Hurting your grade because you went beyond demand? Don’t let that stop you from doing it in the future.
I thought Finals were pretty much a given. I would try to force it if you think you can improve your grade, maybe even offer to contact all the other students for her to say it’s an option.
Things happen to everyone, but I suppose every teacher should have an emergency plan in case, and not end the semester early because they weren’t prepared. Just take it lightly because it’s probably a touchy subject. The only thing I would consider is if you think you might make your grade worse.
I wonder what O.J.Simpson would do?
Yes… she would have to offer the alternative to all the students. I would bring it up with the department head in a private meeting… though very carefully. More often than not, department heads will trust in their instructor’s grading - though this seems to be an extenuating circumstance. From a faculty perspective, it can be argued that the student shouldn’t have relied on sealing a grade based on what they perceive as an easy final (I can only go from what you have written - perhaps I misunderstood?). What I don’t understand is how you achieved a 90, and yet the one lower scored essay seems to have taken a greater percentage of the grading scale. And, how is it that your extra efforts actually penalized you? If these last two matters can be exhibited (math doesn’t lie), then I would have my calculations ready before the private meeting.
OK that one essay was solo in its category, and was worth like 10%. In the end it was bumped up to 20%. Am I depending on an easy final? Sure, yeah, I got a high B that means I automatically didn’t do any of the work. I rechecked and she has given me credit for some work that she had failed to input so my final grade is now at 87%.
When I say I gave too much I was referring partly to word count which she left in the vague area. I am not blaming her for giving me the lower grade for that paper, but that area was given the biggest increase out of the final weight (I believe the final was worth 15% so that one paper received 2/3 of the final’s weight).
Hm… I’ll be frank with you, the statement “I automatically didn’t do any of the work” isn’t a strong selling point. In light of that, I’d basically say tough luck - and my head of the department would defer to my judgement. BUT, your instructor(s) will not have heard/read that statement… so they’ll be none-the-wiser. If you decide to take it to the department head, tread lightly. Hmm… perhaps that is the grade you deserve? (don’t get bent out of shape because I said that, I’m just wondering - you knew that this class was that important to your future endeavors…)
Good luck.
With the input of those here, I now understand that it is impossible to actually debate any of my current material. It is up to her review, I can’t input anything, so it is up to her and maybe I didn’t do well enough. In which case, your point will no doubt be verified…
My only question was whether she was true in saying should could not give me a final. Now that I know, I sit and wait for her final review.
I hope it turns out ok. :|
Work your way up the chain of command. Be polite and thoughtful in your wording of your request.
Offer her an alcoholic beverage, a neck massage, then ride your way to an “A”.
Offer her an alcoholic beverage, a neck massage, then ride your way to an “A”.
Eh eh eh - smooze her.
Offer her an alcoholic beverage, a neck massage, then ride your way to an “A”.
How is the word “ride” difined in the context of that sentence.
Offer her an alcoholic beverage, a neck massage, then ride your way to an “A”.
How is the word “ride” difined in the context of that sentence.
Yes. :wink:
Ah, Alcohol and Sex. The gifts that keep giving. :mrgreen:
I’ll pass…
Ah, Alcohol and Sex. The gifts that keep giving. :mrgreen:
I’ll pass…
You’ll “pass” on the alcohol and sex, or you’ll follow the advise and “pass” the class.
I’m sensing the need for a beer & boobs support group for GG (as long as he brings the pizza).