Concerning Vichy.
France surrendered and made peace with Germany (sort of), so all French Colonies should be “Neutral” after the Germans conquer Paris+ the Coast (Dunkirk)
technically the Free French Forces weree NOT representing France as France had a working government (De Gaulle could be seen as a mercenary /rebel - he was only a patriot because the Allies won - history is written by the winner - but that does not belong here ;)).
most Vichy territories were soon attacked and most switched sides when attacked
Indochine fell to the japanese in 1940 (before the attack on PH), but the French even fought (and lost) a war against Siam in 1940…
Syria was attacked by the Brits - put up a little fight and surrendered/threw in their lot with the Allies, but before Germany flew some planes to Iraq )stopover in Syria) to support Iraq against the Brits…
The African Colonies soon joined the Free french Forces (one Genral was marching fom West Africa through Tcahd to Egypt/Lybia IIRC)
no infos on the Indian Ocean posessions…
Morocco and Algeria were defended by vichy troops when the allies landed there - put up a little fight and surrendered, but this forced GErmany/Italy to ship troops to Tunesia -i believe at the same time Germny decided to get rid of Vichy and occupied it.
So the simplest rule for Vichy would be - put some troops in the territories - no build up - prevented by the treaty with Germany ;) - if one side decides to attack a Vichy territory the troops defend for ONE combat round and then the attacker gets the territory.
If France has a fleet at the time of the surrender Brit ships should be forced to attack them - with ALL adjacent units, but after one combat round the survivors join the Free french…
just my 2 cents
BTW - please stop the Froggy bashing :D