China and what should be done with it

  • China makes (from what I can tell) 11 IPC to start with. Whats smarter, three infantry? or two artillery? I mean the infantry can defend the same and you get more. But in the pacifif China is most likely going to get attacked first. What can china do to prevent this? Or is it inevitable?

    Yes I know I couldnt think of an imaginative title…

  • Defense first until the tide can be stemmed.

  • I know but, whats the smarter buy? 2 artillery? or three infantry?

  • What about 2 infantry and 1 artillery for 10?  Same defense as 3 infantry but more firepower for attack?

  • It depends upon how much enemy force you anticipate coming at you. If it is a lot and it is going to come in endless waves then you would buy 3 infantry and save the extra ipc for future rounds. If it looks like a counter-offensive may be in order, then buy artillery. It really depends on the situation.

  • True but for that extra ipc, you get 5 attack and 6 defense compared to 3 attack and 6 defense but I understand what you mean, if it takes more than 2 turns for the enemy to get to you, I would buy infantry as cannon fodder, and buy artillery later to counter attack.


    It depends upon how much enemy force you anticipate coming at you. If it is a lot and it is going to come in endless waves then you would buy 3 infantry and save the extra ipc for future rounds. If it looks like a counter-offensive may be in order, then buy artillery. It really depends on the situation.

  • theres also mechanized infantry too… China also has the flying tiger. in my games in invariable gets used defensively. Although two infantry and one artillery is a really good buy. This is china so youre bound to be stuffed to the rafters with infantry though…

  • I thought China could only purchase infantry and artillery?  If it can buy anything I would buy tanks.


    theres also mechanized infantry too… China also has the flying tiger. in my games in invariable gets used defensively. Although two infantry and one artillery is a really good buy. This is china so youre bound to be stuffed to the rafters with infantry though…

  • aww…It can only purchase infantry and artillery? why not build more flying tigers in this game? I just figured buying ONE fighter is not a good idea compared to infantry.

  • From what I remember China can only buy inf. It can also buy art but only if the Burma road is in ally hands(open). So any time the Burma road is open you should buy art, and make sure you keep the flying tiger safe, as I don’t think it is replaceable.

  • Customizer

    do China’s infantry cost 2 ipcs or cost 3 ipcs?
    I’m assuming artillery will cost 4?

  • Official Q&A


    do China’s infantry cost 2 ipcs or cost 3 ipcs?



    I’m assuming artillery will cost 4?


  • why isnt the fighter replaceable?

  • Official Q&A

    The fighter isn’t replaceable because the pilots were all American volunteers.  The group was organized and established as military aid to China several months before the US entered the war.  After the US entered the war, all pilots were needed for the US armed forces.

    Technically, the unit shouldn’t even be in the game before the end of 1941, as that’s when it was actually activated.  However, that wouldn’t be much fun, would it?

  • yup,  INF and ART only to build.

  • thanks kreighund. You really ARE the answerguy!

  • @Krieghund:

    The fighter isn’t replaceable because the pilots were all American volunteers.  The group was organized and established as military aid to China several months before the US entered the war.  After the US entered the war, all pilots were needed for the US armed forces.

    Technically, the unit shouldn’t even be in the game before the end of 1941, as that’s when it was actually activated.  However, that wouldn’t be much fun, would it?

    I just hope the flying tiger is protected better then in AA50, and Japan can’t kill it before you can use it. If I screw up and lose it then so be it. In AA50 we either slightly change set up to protect it, or allow the US to replace it once if its lost in the 1st round by flying a new one over(takes about 3 rounds) if China is still in the game at that point.

  • Official Q&A

    The Flying Tigers are not on the front lines in the AAP40 set-up.  You’ll have only yourself (or the dice) to blame if you lose them.

  • Now were talking!!  sounds like china will play out much better over all.

  • A question thats been bothering me is the french areas in the pacific……will there be chinese troops in french indochnia? or will it be taken by the japanese?

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