Halo3:ODST teaser
Live action trailer for new game,
That is one of the best game “trailers” I’ve ever seen. Some great production. That being said, there are some WONDERFUL games coming out soon. I’m starting a topic.
Looks good.
I only saw the full version of the trailer once on TV, lately they’ve been cutting it up into smaller chunks.
I’m really glad the Halo is gonna add some degree of tactics, so you don’t have to deal with the “Gr4ab teh (enter power weapon here) 4nd Pwn M4d N3wbs” strategy :-D
“Gr4ab teh (enter power weapon here) 4nd Pwn M4d N3wbs” strategy
“Gr4ab teh (enter power weapon here) 4nd Pwn M4d N3wbs” strategy
Sorry, that translate to: Race as quickly as possible to the Super-Strong weapons and spam them
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