There’s no official answer that I know of. A&A is such an abstracted game that, in one sense, it would be meaningless to say that game unit X corresponds to real-world military (or naval) formation Y. Given the scope of A&A Global 1940, however, the various unit types on the map would roughly correspond to large formations if we were to assume that the allocation of units in the rules corresponds to real WWII numbers. As an example, Germany’s invasion of the USSR was carried out with over 150 divisions – so from that perspective, the small number of sculpts on the actual board could at best only correspond to army groups. At that level, it shouldn’t even be possible to differentiate between the components of the army groups, nor even of their consitutent armies or corps; the highest-level tank formations in WWII were, I think, armoured divisions and (one level further down) tank brigades. So one way to look at the game would be to imagine that we’re not actually seeing the military formations themselves, but rather a patchwork picture showing some of the elements of those formations, with some of these elements being high-level ones and others being lower-level ones (like tank brigades).
Large Set of House Rules (+ Italian National Advantages)
Most joint strike rules I’ve read don’t allow the US to use UK units that moved in noncombat or units UK just purchased. I think that you should be able to use these units in AA50 because Italy now goes between US & UK. Your rules allow this - I like.
Just for clarification is Joint Strike only on France from sz 7. Some allow JS on N W Europe,or could you JS the heart of Germany in Berlin through sz 5. I would think yes on the N W Europe and no on the later. On another thought JS could work against Rome or S France through the Med. -
Thanks for the replies guys, but since I posted there have been a few modifications to these rules, mostly gramatical.
some important ones are:
1. U-Boat Interdiction
The Battle of the Atlantic wrecked havoc on allied shipping during the early stages of the war, making logistics a nightmare for the U.S. and U.K.
During the collect income phase of the U.K. and U.S. turns, subtract 2 IPC from the collecting power’s income for each of your submarines outside of seazone 5 or 16.4. Foreign Aid
The United States became an Economic Superpower shortly after it entered the war, this trend continued well after the end of the war.
The United States may lend one die roll’s worth of IPCs to one friendly power before the United States’ purchase units phase. The United States player must decide which nation to loan to before rolling the die. Upon rolling, the funds are immediately transferred to that player. The United States may loan money to China that converts directly into infantry. For every 2 IPCs that may be loaned to China, China may place one additional infantry in their place units phase. If the United States should roll an odd number while loaning to China, the fraction is forfeit to the bank.4. Trains Run On Time
Fascism brought to Italy a modicum of efficiency, specifically in transportation.
Italian transports may unload into two different territories when conducting amphibious invasions or during the non-combat moves, provided the transport is in an adjacent seazone.And yes, a joint strike can be preformed on any one turn, and it is a global effect, meaning globaly. So if the Allies can pull of a joint european push and pacific attack, then kudos to them. But, it can only be done once a game.
Attached is an up to date ruleset. Also I playtested a game……every power got 2 random advantages. US got Bases and B-29s, tore japan up. Italy got Italian Africa, and dominated the continent. Russia used both Conscription and winter on the same turn and stuffed germany.
If i can give any one any advice, it is use this rule set, 2 random advantages per power…very interesting!!!
duh…forgot attachment
Sweet. Thanks for the quick update.
Version 1.4
Fixes all around, China, Italy, IC limits, 2 new UK Advantages.
Have fun folks, comments and questions welcome as always
Why not split in 3 differents categories
National advantage (ex: USSR general winter, UK radar)
Special units (ex: frogmen, panzergrenadier,kamikaze)
Weapons development (ex: USSR katyucha rocket, USA B29, UK Chuchill tank)
in my view those three terms are almost interchangeable, thats why i dont categorize them like that.
UK radar could be a National Advantage, A special Unit (AA Guns), or a Weapons Devolpment, like it is now.
The same can be said of others, but I prefer a semi-historical set of 6 randomly chosen bonuses, to spice up the game. It represents the particular doctrine of each of the nations in question.
Also, it would be difficult for some powers, like italy to have a wide array of special units, so they make up for it with special powers and abilities, etc.
I suppose I could arrange each power’s NA’s into three categories, and you get 1 of each. But thats the beauty of house rules, you can change them.
USA NA no 5: Resilient Carriers
This is completely incorrect. American carriers were built for SPEED, and had wooden decks which burned like torches.
In fact it was the UK carriers (my father served on one) that had steel decks and were unsinkable from Kamikaze attacks.
I prefer to think of A&A as a four power game; with UK/USA co-operating with the USSR in a very loose sense, and no allowing each other’s forces on their territory, except perhaps allowing aircraft to land (but not fight in defence). In the name of balance it’s only fair that the relationship between Germany/Italy and Japan is under similar restrictions.
USSR being able to “declare” winter is hilarious. Winter should be automatic every fourth turn. But I think it should be about restricting armour rather than improving infantry, perhaps even reducing tank’s attack value to 1 for the winter turn.
ok, yes the metal decks is a falicy.
however carriers like the yorktown and others proved to be more resiliant than their counterparts for other reasons, modern firefighting techniques and equipment for instance.
fast carriers was less than useful in my opinion anyway.Larry let the soviets declare winter, I was going to change it to something similar to what you sugested; “Every fourth turn enemy tanks may not blitz in originaly russian territories, also their attack and defense values are reduced to 2 and 1 respectively”.
But thats not as simple, so i didnt do it. Ill think about it.
Remember too that the autumn rains bogged German tanks down in the mud, while the Russian tanks had wider tracks which coped much better with this.
Germany is hardly likely to blitz through Russia; perhaps tanks simply can’t move in winter (frozen fuel).
In our house rules games, we play with the seasons.
1 season = 1 turn.
For example: No amphibious assault in western europe during winter.
The russian player can call a general winter but only 2 times during the games. -
Remember too that the autumn rains bogged German tanks down in the mud, while the Russian tanks had wider tracks which coped much better with this.
Germany is hardly likely to blitz through Russia; perhaps tanks simply can’t move in winter (frozen fuel).
i think more of the autumn/spring rains that hurt the tanks and the winters that hurt the infantry. certainly the fuel freezing was a winter thing, but the tanks could move at least when started, as compared to autumn when no one moved anywhere on the german side…