lucky you :-P
Handicaps for d-day
I’m about to play a game of d-day with my dad but he has only played it once and I’ve played it and other games a lot. Is there anything I can do to handicap him? In most games you do a bid but that’s harder since there’s a set troop number and no money value. Any ideas welcome :)
I tried this and it seemed to have some success.
Add X amount of applicable tactic card(s) to your Dad’s hand. Allow him to play them once for any Turn during the correct Order Phase. The more handicap you want to give to him the more cards you give him up front.
@andrewaagamer ooh that sounds interesting but I’m a little confused, would I just give them to him after they’re used so that they can essentially be used twice, once automatically and once when he chooses?
Ahhh - You play with Tactic cards already. I don’t so that is the confusion. In your case, YES, if you are already using the Tactic cards as part of the game already allow him to use them a second time at his choosing.
I would suggest for a beginner NOT to use Tactic or Fortune cards. They are more for advanced players.
@andrewaagamer okay cool that makes sense. He’s played it once and knows the rules and all but I’ve just played it a lot more and want more of a challenge. Thanks for the great idea
@tincanofthesea You are WELCOME! Enjoy!
@andrewaagamer well we started playing and your idea has worked great!
Sweet. Enjoy!!!