Could Japan have blockaded Australia?

  • 2024 '23 '22

    Re: Japan vs Australia

    I think if Japan did not attack Pearl Harbour, only attacked the British, and beat the Allies in the Solomons and New Guinea, then the campaign would have worked, and was a Japanese plan in real life.

    Also, it was possible for Germany to starve the UK-just don’t build anything bigger or as big after the pocket battleships, and just invest all those resources from battleships, aircraft carriers, and cruisers into submarines, snd Germany could have succeeded. If those resources were also put into coastal defence vessels, D-Day would be seriously delayed. All without taking resources from the army and Luftwaffe.

  • @superbattleshipyamato They had to invade the Philippines, they striked at Pearl Harbor in the belief the US would be limited in their response to invading French Indochina, Parts of Siam, Some of Burma, all of Malaysia, Most of the Dutch East Indies, and a bunch of other strategically important islands.

    Japan would loose either way even if the US BatTleShIp fleet wasn’t bombed to death at Pearl Harbor. They would have more capital ships and still their aircraft carrier fleet. Watch some videos on it is very interesting :smile:

  • @all-encompassing-goose

    I meant Japan not declaring war on the US-the US did not go to war when the Netherlands and Britain were threatened, so why should the US care about the colonies? I personally don’t believe in the conspiracy theory that Roosevelt tried to provoke Japan to join the war in Europe-if Hitler didn’t declare war (which wasn’t required of the Axis pact), the US wouldn’t join the war until 1943. If Germany planned a better strategy in 1942 without declaring war on the US, Stalin would have sued for peace.

  • @superbattleshipyamato The IJN didn’t consider the fleet as a defensive weapon. While your view does make great sense. It’s uncharacteristic of the Japanese. Attack, attack, attack.

    A blockade of Australia would require some cooperation with the IJA, which the IJN has no history of doing.

    Look at the American Civil War, the Anaconda Plan require hundreds of ships and a great many outpost manned by the Union Army to keep a coastline as long as the Confederate States under patrol. The Australian coastline is massive and would probably need a eastern and western port under Japanese control to keep the blockade tight and ongoing. This would require Japanese army divisions and the better parts of those units are fighting a prolonged war in China.

  • 2024 '23 '22


    Which is one of the reasons why Japan failed.

  • @abworsham4 the UK would be able to focus on the Pacific, the UK already had a presence in India, Australia, Burma, Singapore, Malaya, the UK would also be able to maintain a presence in the Pacific.

    The UK would also be able to maintain a presence in the Pacific, while Germany is fighting the Soviet Union, the UK could attack Japan from India, while the UK assisted the US in the Pacific, while Japan is fighting China, while Japan is fighting China, the UK can hold back Japan in Southeast Asia, then when the Soviet Union is done with the Germans, the British can then focus on Japan, if the UK can hold back Japan for longer than 6 months, then Japan would lose the war.

  • 2024 '23 '22


    The Japanese would have annihilated the British without the US, just look at what they did when fighting the US:

    Japan doesn’t need India-they just need the Dutch East Indies. If that is achieved, hopefully the British would sue for peace. That’s hoe Japan wins the war.

    Japan could have blockaded Australia as mentioned above, but without American intervention it probably will not have been needed.

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