End of turn 3. Things are just starting to get going.
really?..you’re looking at this…
just a joke, eh! :-D :-D from this post
The question then becomes how many airfields did say japan build after 1941?
If this is in a really small scale in terms of investment it becomes like a slippery slope….why don’t we include military hospitals?, submarine pens, jeeps, machine guns, cavalry, Q ships, mess halls, Beer halls, bunkers, etc…
Dang, I post it and by the time it refreshes, there are like 3 views….
Actually, an expansion for the Nova version had jeeps
Attack 1
Defend 1
Move 2
Cost 3
Actually, an expansion for the Nova version had jeeps
Attack 1
Defend 1
Move 2
Cost 3
I would go for that.
It doesn’t really fit the role of “jeep” but it does fit into the game nicely……
well you did get jeeps with mounted machine guns. the stats mentioned above go with that
funny :lol:
Actually, an expansion for the Nova version had jeeps
Attack 1
Defend 1
Move 2
Cost 3
I would go for that.
how come no one mentioned the jeep to work with the little commander piece of Patton to ride around it? :evil:
Correction: It wasn’t a Nova expansion, it was a Milton Bradly expansion. It included:
Super Bombers
Cost 18
Move 6
Attack 5
Defend 1
Cost 3
Move 2
Attack 1
Defend 1
Jet Fighters
Cost 15
Move 2
Attack 4
Defend 5
Heavy Fighters
Cost 15
Move 4
Attack 4
Defend 4
*more to come!!!
here’s the link
you rock, turtle!
No need to thank me, just some positive Karma would be nice.
It seems I’ve gained quite a few haters after I ripped FMG’s new Unit Counter Chips project out from the clutches of Rainbow Bright.
A&A accesories is table tactics not milton bradley
No need to thank me, just some positive Karma would be nice.
It seems I’ve gained quite a few haters after I ripped FMG’s new Unit Counter Chips project out from the clutches of Rainbow Bright.
seems i missed out on the bay of rainbow bright struggle, glad you were able to survive.
+1 to you, 13 now…
A&A accesories is table tactics not milton bradley
I meant it was made for the MB version, not the Nova version.
Nova version used paper, MB plastic pieces.
I meant it was made for the MB version, not the Nova version.
Nova version used paper, MB plastic pieces.
o sorry
no prob
You know, a 1-1-2-3 jeep actually makes a good justification for truck pieces being Motorized Infantry at 1-2-2-4, does it not?
Although, were there really whole units made up of jeeps? In North Africa, maybe. Perhaps Trucks ought to 1-1-2-3 as well.
You know, a 1-1-2-3 jeep actually makes a good justification for truck pieces being Motorized Infantry at 1-2-2-4, does it not?
Although, were there really whole units made up of jeeps? In North Africa, maybe. Perhaps Trucks ought to 1-1-2-3 as well.
Well, it seems that every army needs its fodder units, so I would rather have 1 armor unit 3-3-2-5 and 1 jeep unit 1-1-2-3 for a total IPC cost of 8 than have 2 motorized infantry at 2-2-2-4 at the same IPC cost of 8, because when you lose the first hit, then you still have a 3 attacking/defending. Now, if you give the motorized infantry the ability to be upgraded by artillery units, then it may be more balanced, but getting the artillery to keep up with them is a different matter.
A jeep? AND a truck?
OK IMO the only use for such playing pieces is jeep could be used for motorized inf and the truck for something like a support unit IF somebody wanted to concoct a chain-of-supply house rule for linking ICs with Forward Edge Battle Areas.
Otherwise, what two distinctively different units are they supposed to represent?
A division composed entirely of staff officers and a division of storesmen?