• I have been playing around with the idea of a Great Purge expansion. I feel that something this tumultuous in history, that even happened to start in 1936, is a good opportunity for flavour.

    Basically it would give USSR NKVD units that would go around the map and purge (Kill) USSR units. The benefit of this would be income increases.

    It would give something for the USSR to do in the early game, and it would make the USSR somewhat avoid the ahistorical strategy of (conquer everything possible in July 39).

  • Another opportunity would be an expansion to allow for diplomatic maneuvering between France, Germany and Italy in eastern europe.

    For example something representing the development of the Little Entente by france to curb the expansion of Nazi Germany.

  • @insanehoshi
    I’m wondering if a expansion could be made with the interwar naval treaties. For instance, before the game the Japan, UK, US, France and Italy players get to decide whether or not to have the London and Washington treaties, and then that would change the setup. And then during the pregame the second London treaty and Anglo German treaty could be available to sign. The treaties could play around with income or availability of units, and force sizes and such.

  • @trig I like that idea.

    It might be a little hard to implement however.

    Historically the Naval treaties were created under the assumption that BBs were the bestest ships in the sea. Players however know that CVs are the best.

    Gamewise if you limit BBs, players would just build CVs and skirt the treaty.

    You could have it as so:

    • Allow players to sign a naval treaty before the game starts
    • Modify each nation’s naval start to have less capital ships, a portion of each nation’s capital ships cost is refunded to the nation.
    • Allow players then to cheat/gamble: Allow players to in secret to upgrade some number of ships to a class higher (representing a nation purposely designing, say a Battleship to look like a battlecrusier). Have them roll a d12 and if they fail its “found out” and they suffer a penalty)

  • @insanehoshi It is important to note that the treaties were also big on cruiser and carrier limits.
    Also, gamewise I personally think that in many cases a Battleship is better than a carrier.
    I also like the ability to break the treaty. My thought would be that the enemy gets an income increase to represent increases construction to counter your ship.

  • Another idea Prelude (which I have shamelessly stolen from Terraforming Mars):

    Option 1: Have a deck of cards that you draw a certain number and resolve before the game begins. Lots of options to represent historical and alt-historical events. Ex: “Trotsky Takes Power” - you now play as, instead of the ‘Communism in One Country’ Stalin, you play as the ‘Worldwide Revolution’ Trotsky.

    Option 2: Have a table for each Nation and let them pay 1 IPP for a roll on each. Table will contain generic bonuses (IE partially completed tech), and nation specific ones (IE USSR aligns Mongolia when at war with Japan). Players can buy as many rolls as they can afford, but are punished if duplicates are rolled; each result only happens once).

  • @insanehoshi I think both of these are great ideas I would buy both of these expansions if they were put out. I think for the WW1 game HBG is designing they have a set of cards with world events that you can draw at the start of each year. It would be awesome to be able to buy a set like that to add on to the ww2 game as well.
    As we always play with the winter war expansion I would personally want to see #1 a new or updated winter war/ or “Scandinavia at war” expansion with a map overlay with that part of the world being a bit more detailed to reflect some of the historical stuff that happened there.
    Also like the idea of an Italian expansion just to make them a bit more fun to play definitely some room there to add on I think 🤔
    What about a 2-player expansion with all the rules laid out for people that play that way? For example japs playing the cup until war breaks out with China and whatever else tweaks that would make it better (maybe some handicaps for the ussr )

  • @insanehoshi i believe they already included the great purge as part of their starting set up for the Soviets.

  • Could we get an 3D printed expansion from hbg that has all the 3D printed actual commanders in it? So like figures of Rommel, gudarian, hitler Goering for the Germans? Monty for the English etc .Everyone would buy that, I think . Especially if it’s in the right scale ie axis and allies scale 1/72 or whatever

  • @linkler along the expansion line could we get a sneak peak on v4 from hbg? It would be fun to know what they are thinking so far with that especially map-wise !

  • @linkler one more thing lol . The German operations expansion is so awesome ! I’d like to see a corresponding British or even just allied operations expansion. Can somebody make that lol there are so many famous British operations that would play into global war in a great way I’m sure

  • @insanehoshi “Option 1: Have a deck of cards that you draw a certain number and resolve before the game begins. Lots of options to represent historical and alt-historical events. Ex: “Trotsky Takes Power” - you now play as, instead of the ‘Communism in One Country’ Stalin, you play as the ‘Worldwide Revolution’ Trotsky.”

    I would like to also include harry turtledoves world war series as an alt-history event though it might be too sci-fi

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