Game History
Round: 1 Research Technology - Russians Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Finland Norway: 1 infantry EDIT: Adding units owned by Germans to Libya: 1 infantry EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Purchase Units - Russians Russians buy 8 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat - Russians Trigger Russians Can Move: Setting movementRestrictionTerritories cleared for rulesAttachment attached to Russians Trigger Russians Can Move: Setting movementRestrictionType to disallowed for rulesAttachment attached to Russians Non Combat Move - Russians 1 submarine and 1 transport moved from Karelia Sea Zone to North Sea Zone 2 armour and 4 infantry moved from Russia to Karelia S.S.R. 4 infantry moved from Caucasus to Karelia S.S.R. 1 fighter moved from Russia to Karelia S.S.R. 1 aaGun moved from Russia to Caucasus 1 armour moved from Soviet Far East to Novosibirsk 1 infantry moved from Soviet Far East to Yakut S.S.R. 2 infantry moved from Evenki National Okrug to Yakut S.S.R. Place Units - Russians 8 infantry placed in Karelia S.S.R. Turn Complete - Russians Russians collect 24 PUs; end with 24 PUsTutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+23) BM3
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
Bombers cost 14. Inf on NG is allowed.
Sorry for my stupid question, what is NG ? Suppose it is not NewGuinea…
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
Bombers cost 14. Inf on NG is allowed.
Sorry for my stupid question, what is NG ? Suppose it is not NewGuinea…
It is New Guinea.
The thing is that ANZAC does not have any units there, so it would be an exception from the default rules. If players are in agreement though, it’s not against the rules.
If possible, a more stupid question, why 1 inf in NG ?
:blush: -
To take D.N.G. in ANZ1 without using the trasp ? -
@surfer said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
However, just for the record, @trulpen has a preference for a large German fleet to prevent any Western beach head plus if allowed to grow unchecked, will dominate the Med and prevent US build ups.
A wise maxime by Sun Tzu, know your opponent. :)
Most people would say that early sea lion is a loser, but @trulpen is too crafty for that. He will simply threaten sea lion and continue to build. The result is that the UK continually has to defend London and cannot focus on the Middle East.
I say an early SL is a loser. However, I always try to keep an open mind and hypothetically an early SL that’s extremely cheap would probably be a winner.
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
To take D.N.G. in ANZ1 without using the trasp ?Basically it does save the aussies a tr, so the 3 IPC can actually be considered as 10 IPC.
But this is to get a +3ipc bonus, just when JAP is at war with ANZ.
Is it possible to take D.N.G in Anz1 by trasp hoping JAP not declaring war to ANZ in JAP2 (in order to move back trasp saving it in ANZ turn2) ? -
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
But this is to get a +3ipc bonus, just when JAP is at war with ANZ.
Is it possible to take D.N.G in Anz1 by trasp hoping JAP not declaring war to ANZ in JAP2 (in order to move back trasp saving it in ANZ turn2) ?The problem is then that ANZAC won’t take Java. That’s -4 IPC for the next turn. For that reason I’d choose Java before DNG during A1 any day of the week. Unless, of course, there’s been a JDOW1.
@oysteilo said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
For BM at 20:
french inf to normandy (makes vichy more complicated)
Is it possible to place 1 british inf in Marseille (S.FRA) if opponent agrees ? Like for N.G. ? This makes Vichy impossible, not just complicated
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
@oysteilo said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
For BM at 20:
french inf to normandy (makes vichy more complicated)
Is it possible to place 1 british inf in Marseille (S.FRA) if opponent agrees ? Like for N.G. ? This makes Vichy impossible, not just complicated
Not necessary. Just put a french inf there instead. I would not allow 1 french inf and 1 british inf to be placed in the same territory.
Sorry, I missed your point. No, I wouldn’t allow it.
If the brits want to put units in S Fr, then they’ll have to use the tr in z98. That move shouldn’t be for free.
Besides, a Vichy would not be impossible, since it’s possible to air-strike S Fr.
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
Sorry, I missed your point. No, I wouldn’t allow it.
I use to spend a brit trasp in order to move inf+aa from MALTA to S.FRA to prevent Vichy, a new brit inf as a bid in S.FRA is very nice…
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
If the brits want to put units in S Fr, then they’ll have to use the tr in z98. That move shouldn’t be for free.
Same concept at the same time :blush:
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
a new brit inf as a bid in S.FRA is very nice…
I agree, but unfortunately too nice. ;)
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
Besides, a Vichy would not be impossible, since it’s possible to air-strike S Fr.
But if I have a brit inf in S.FRA and keep it as last casualt. Vichy is impossible, am I right ?
@malmessi74 said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
Besides, a Vichy would not be impossible, since it’s possible to air-strike S Fr.
But if I have a brit inf in S.FRA and keep it as last casualt. Vichy is impossible, am I right ?
Not if it’s only air left attacking.
Or the last attacking land-unit dies.
@trulpen said in Tutor game: trulpen (X) vs Avner [and everyone else] (A+20) BM3:
The problem is then that ANZAC won’t take Java. That’s -4 IPC for the next turn. For that reason I’d choose Java before DNG during A1 any day of the week. Unless, of course, there’s been a JDOW1.Still think a chinese inf in YUNN is better (JAP will hate this move)
Not if it’s only air left attacking.
Ok but this means air units attacking 2inf 1art and 1aa;
I use to play LL but in a normal dice game this is very dangerous…