Countries and colonies
Is there a list of which country controls which colonies. It can be frustrating searching the board trying to link flags with countries. eg. when Belgium falls is Belgium controllled Congo its only other territory. Portugal is another example where it has a lot of colonies.
Thanks in advance -
No such list exists in the rules. However, the HBG page for the Minor Nation Roundel Set has a list of each number of markers, so that can give you an idea of how many territories there are.
If you exclude nations with a single roundel, you are left with :
7 Portugal
4 Greece
5 Poland
4 Finland
2 Sweden
4 Norway
4 Denmark
2 Belgium
4 Mongolia
2 Mexico
2 Ecuador
4 Brazil
4 Argentina
2 Chile
3 Turkey
3 IranMost of them are for territories that are adjacent to each other (Poland, Turkey, Iran, Finland, etc.) and do not have colonies.
You already identified Belgium and Portugal. The Netherlands and Denmark are other Minor Powers that have territories scattered over the map. Chile has Easter Island in the Pacific.
But, Belgium and the Netherlands are the only two that you need to keep track of, in my opinion, since their colonies have an IPP value.
@noneshallpass @misck
Some other notes, Portugal has an IPP in Portuguese east Africa, Belgium has an IPP in Belgian Congo, and the Dutch have IPP in Suriname and the NEI. Those are the only countries with IPP that I know of. I will try to make a list for you. -
Thanks so much. I was just trying to workout for recruitment rolls. That is great -
@misck Here you go-
That includes Antarctic territories, but I am not sure if those technily count. I also added a region key to help with finding the territories. Note this does not include home counties (Land zones contiguous with the capital.)
If anyone sees mistakes, please tell me.
Rule 1.18 : Antarctica is impassable terrain used only in some expansion sets.