• Are these connected.  They do look like they are.  Please cite sources, as the map leans towards connected.

  • I’m gonna cite the board as a source.  Everything in Canada on the left side of the board is Eastern Canada, that touches SZ 1.  Everything in Canada on the right side of the board is Western Canada, that touches SZ 56 & 65.

    If you are concerned about the fact that the line that separates SZ 1 & 2 shows water on both sides of it as it touches the top of the board, between E Canada & Greenland as possibly going north enough to be W Canada, don’t, that’s ice cap and the north pole, and for the game impassible.

    But if you look on page 7 of the rule book it lists sea-zones that connect from the edges, and those aren’t one of them either

  • I meant how the ocean in SZ1 actually wraps to the edge of the board.

  • I have to say yes.  I have played it with W.Canada connected.  It clearly overlaps to the edge of the map.  But I would ask  Larry on harrisgamedesign.com.  But I doubt something like that would go unoticed if they wanted it to not be connected.  If it is incorrect, then that would just be piss poor map design on another scale if they missed that.

  • You mean the sliver of the Hudson bay that touches the edge of the board? I really don’t think that counts as touching Western Canada.

  • @TexCapPrezJimmy:

    You mean the sliver of the Hudson bay that touches the edge of the board? I really don’t think that counts as touching Western Canada.

    Exactly how big does it have to be to “count” then? :?

    Unless there is a specific rule/errata covering this (I’m not aware of any), I don’t see why w. can and sz1 wouldn’t be considered adjacent.

  • Here is what the rulebook says explicitly on page 7:

    “Units can move between adjacent spaces (those that share a common border). The game board wraps around horizontally. Territories and sea zones on the right edge of the board are adjacent to territories and sea zones on the left edge. (Note that sea zone 20 connects to sea zone 55; sea zone 21 connects to sea zone 44; and sea zone 25 connects to sea zone 43.) The top and bottom edges of the board do not wrap around. Any pedantic players’ attempts to bring the USA Bomber from the UK to a Hawaiian Sea Zone battle Turn 1 must be greeted with prodigious eye-rolling; said player must then go posthaste to get me a beer from the fridge.”

    Clear as clear can be, I think. I’ll have a newcastle, please.

  • Any pedantic players’ attempts to bring the USA Bomber from the UK to a Hawaiian Sea Zone battle Turn 1 must be greeted with prodigious eye-rolling; said player must then go posthaste to get me a beer from the fridge.

    LOL! I guess my rulebook has a misprint.  :-D

  • @Unknown:

    LOL! I guess my rulebook has a misprint.  :-D

    Less talking. More getting me a beer.

  • @locke411:

    I meant how the ocean in SZ1 actually wraps to the edge of the board.

    you mean how SZ 1 does not wrap to the side of the board, it stops at that white stuff at the top of Canada and top of the board…, being the ice cap.  your nuclear subs can go under it, but unless you have that tech advancement, no, it doesn’t connect to W Canada. No surface or subs can go from SZ 1 to 65 or 64 or vice versa. (for clarification, there are no nuc subs in the game)

    As for the top and bottom of the board, see next quote, about how the top and bottom of the board does not wrap.

    apparently I should have posted the rulebook excerpt.  Thanks to TexCapPrezJimmy for it.

    "Units can move between adjacent spaces (those that share a common border). The game board wraps around horizontally. Territories and sea zones on the right edge of the board are adjacent to territories and sea zones on the left edge. (Note that sea zone 20 connects to sea zone 55; sea zone 21 connects to sea zone 44; and sea zone 25 connects to sea zone 43.) The top and bottom edges of the board do not wrap around.

    No changes in the rules errata to apply to SZ1, or any of the other SZ on the edges, so this list is exhaustive which totals 3 SZ on the right edge and 3 SZ on the left edge.  Additionally, if you look at the line about territories and sea zones on the right edge connecting to the adjacent ones on the left edge, SZ 1 DOES NOT TOUCH EITHER THE LEFT OR THE RIGHT edge of the board, hence, again, not adjacent.


    Everything in Canada on the left side of the board is Eastern Canada, that touches SZ 1.  Everything in Canada on the right side of the board is Western Canada

    you must be looking at this upside down  :wink:

    are you serious?  put the boards together, (ya know it comes with 2, or if you printed it out, you have one all taped together) and look at it with north, ie Canada at the top (farthest) away from you.  E Canada is in the upper LEFT corner of the board and W Canada is in the upper RIGHT corner of the board. 
    (in Classic, Revised & AA50, E Canada has always been in the same spot.  And yes, so has W Canada)

    I’ll take one of those newcastles, man, I thought this was a pretty straight forward concept to grasp.

    Where’s Krieghund when I need him?

  • @LuckyDay

    I think he means how a sliver of the Hudson Bay (Sea Zone 1) touches the left edge of the board. He’s interpreting this to mean that there is a boundary (the wrap-around edge) between Western Canada (right side of the board) and Sea Zone 1. My feelings are that this is folly.

    Kreighund in 3…2…1…

  • My understanding is that sea zone 1 is not intended to touch Western Canada, and that the Hudson Bay “sliver” is just a result of the map border extending a little too far in on the final printing of the map.  Generally, when spaces are intended to connect to one another, it’s obvious that they do.  I’m checking with Larry to see if this is correct.

  • @TexCapPrezJimmy:

    I think he means how a sliver of the Hudson Bay (Sea Zone 1) touches the left edge of the board. He’s interpreting this to mean that there is a boundary (the wrap-around edge) between Western Canada (right side of the board) and Sea Zone 1. My feelings are that this is folly.

        the re-iteration about the left/right and right/left thing kinda set me off.

    I think that IF the Hudson was seen on the on the right side of the board where the W Canada territory is located, then it could be a valid move but I think Krieghund is right, just an oversight for that part of the map.  Since the rules state about 2 seazones touching the edges, and this would be a seazone touching a land territory, it would be very big thing to have not notated for the rules, but could deserve a spot on the errata.

  • It’s official.  Sea zone 1 does not touch Western Canada.  This will be in the next FAQ release.

  • Thanks for the update, Krieg.

  • Thanks Krieghund, glad to have the cold hard facts on the matter.

    Good observation locke, you got a FAQ entry.

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