@mhal21 I don’t play poison gas warfare for one simple reason. Poison gas was not as much of a thing as people think it was in WWI. Yes it was terrifying and it made the headlines when it happened, but the estimates are that around 150 000 casualties happened due to gas, which is something like 2-3 days of a huge battle on the Western front.
I know some people have dabbled with it so there is stuff out there. You might want to hop on the Axis and Allies Facebook page to ask your question !
Global war 1936 v3 Custom unit ideas
Hello, I have been scrolling threw the HBG website and have found many interesting custom units with either no rules, or a rules pdf that is no longer available. I had a few ideas, and I would love feedback/more ideas.
Mercenary’s - 1IPC/turn/infantry, max 3. This could be cool feature if you need temporary forces in a certain area you could hire mercenarys for 2-3 turns, but if you just left them there it would cost you way more money then they are worth.
Assassins - Infantry that cost 5 IPC, get a target select on 1 on a D12 against a commander (Commanders expansion set)
Military Police - I was thinking they could increase rail transport, and decrease partisan activity. or they could allow transit on damaged rail.
I would love feedback, and more ideas.
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