• I’m gonna pre order aa50 and dont want to pay for shipping,so i’m thinking about buying another aa game.Battle of the bulge,D-Day or Guadalcanal?

    Was gonna get Reviesed but short buy a couple of dollars for free shipping.I already have aae,aap,aa2nd

  • I would say Battle of the Bulge.

  • If you like getting into the logistics of shipping units AACG is a good one.  If not I’d lean toward BOTB.

    I own all three you mentioned and would have to say I’d put D-Day at the bottom of my list.

  • Why? What is bad about A&A D-Day? (I dont own it yet, and i was wondering if I should buy it or not, and if it was a good A&A  :wink:)

  • Don’t get me wrong I like the D-Day game but out of all the times I have played it I have never seen the allies win.  It has to be the most unbalanced game in the A&A group.

  • @LT04:

    Don’t get me wrong I like the D-Day game but out of all the times I have played it I have never seen the allies win.  It has to be the most unbalanced game in the A&A group.

    When you have played DDay, have you played with/without the tactics & strategy cards?  Has that affected much?

    I have had the allies win in DDay; think the learning curve is a bit higher for them like in Bulge.

    another aspect to consider might be how many players you are gonna have play often–these 3 games are only up to 3 players, GC & BOTB being only two players.  DDay lets you add a 3rd player.

  • When I made my observation I didn’t use the auxilary conditions (tactics and strategy cards) I thought this could sway the game in the same way the NO and Tech do in revised and AA50.

    When I first started thinking the game was slanted to the Axis I played the Allies every time vs. players who have never heard of A&A.

    I’m not saying I’m god’s gift to the A&A world but since I have been playing for over 10 years I thought I would have a leg up on a newby.

    I also made it a point to only play 2 player games.  I thought that since the allies would be able to coordinate better this would also help.

    I think a better way to balance the game would be to make it 15 rounds instead of 10.

    The best part of A&A D-Day is that it goes by very quickly.  You could probably play a game in under an hour.  Each round goes by faster and faster and events happen.  For example the allied airborne drops are first turn only, allied bombers get shot down, allied fighters get shot down, Axis blockhouses that fire at sea zones get destroyed and lastly reinforcments run out.  By the 10th round you could have removed a half dozen cards out of the deck.


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