Mainly looking to play War at Sea. I have two nice USN and IJN fleets ready for action. 🇺🇸
North Central West Virginia
I’m near Morgantown WV. One of my friends in the same area also plays.
I have Classic, the old Pacific/Europe, Guadalcanal, Spring 1942 (with a big 64"x34" banner board), and just recently (never played yet) Pacific/Europe 1940.
I regularly travel north as far as Pittsburgh PA, west as far as Wheeling WV, south as far as Charleston WV, and east as far as Cumberland MD. I could be persuaded to travel a bit further in any of those directions to play A&A once in a while. My work schedule is fairly flexible: I have days off on weekdays and weekends alike depending on the week.
I’d be willing to host or drive, and for just about any version(s) you’d care to play.
I live in Cumberland.
I’ve only ever played a handful of games of Spring '42 online, but own both 1940 games (Never played). I’ve been to Morgantown a few times and would have no problem coming up. My work schedule sounds similar and I can usually get any day but Friday or Saturday off with ease.
Shoot me a message or something and I’m sure we can figure something out.
Global 1940 (our first attempt) at my house this weekend (~2/19/2012) if you are interested Col. Webb. Board is already set up. You would make player #3.
I’m still interested in playing some face-to-face Axis and Allies if anyone is available in the WV, western PA, or western MD regions!
Chapmanville, WV
A&A G40 -
@exmilkman Are you still looking for some play of G40? I live in VA, can travel. Best way to reach me is by email at
@Varn-H I am about 50 west of Pittsburgh and 20 miles South of Youngstown…sent you a pm
@jonathan-rost I am in Ohio I will send you an email.