Good day. I am looking for G40, 1914 players. I live in northern VA, can travel.
Best way to reach me is by email at
Players Eastern PA and New Jersey
Sundays as best
@CherryGT So if we set up someplace this Sunday?
Ya im down for that
I’m located in Cherry Hill, NJ. Would love to join in a playing group. I’d be reliable for a big game once month minimum. New player but have been playing 1942 quite a bit online. Own 1941 currently.
@dadkins131 hey, I’m actually communicating with a couple guys from Jersey on another thread. We need a place to meet up.
@Justinrenna There’s a cool looking place in Levittown Pa, ( and another place in Cherry Hill that I plan to walk-in and check out. Just curious on how many players are seriously looking to get a game going?
Looks like I can get a free room at the Cherry Hill Library once a month too (i’m a resident).
@dadkins131 no real goal. I was just saying that I’m in contact with 2 others. I believe there is a place in Jenkintown. Levittown is cool too.
@dadkins131 if you set somthing up I’ll show👍🏼
@dadkins131 The spot in Levittown is open 11-6 on Sunday.
I think a good next step to start corralling everyone and taking some action towards our first game, is to organize a private group for players in our local area. Im usually good at organizing people to do fun things, and Facebook groups have always been a great tool for me. It puts a “face” to everyone and see who is ready to take action and sign on for a game. I’ve created a group… please join at the following link!
@dadkins131 “Content not found” so I went on FB and did a search, and found nothing
@Justinrenna Looks like you made it in.
@dadkins131 😄 I just realized you are in both conversations. Good show.
@CherryGT you in?
Hey guys, coming late to this conversation but I live about 10 minutes from Jenkintown and that store (7th Dimension) is great, that said, might be best for someone to host that can leave the board set up in case we don’t finish. You guys thinking Global 1940? I’m in if you don’t have 5 yet, depending on time. Evenings are better for me because I have young kids.
@TheShrike I suggested that store. There is also a place in Levittown.
@TheShrike Personally, i’m thinking we should keep the first game on the “shorter side”. Something like 1942 with the hopes we can finish in 3-5 hours. Just so we can get a feel for everyone and if we get a returning crew, then we can make a leap to global.Also, if for some reason we don’t finish… i’ll take a high res photo and volunteer to set it up for the next meet up.
That’s a good idea!
Given my issues with dad duty, I doubt I’ll make it during the day on a Sunday. Anyone interested in a separate game of Global in Triple A that we could play by email, just for us locals? I always wanted to get a five person game without time limit and that would allow us to do it.
I’m in. This sunday right?