Great - I’m in:+1:
@uhmski215 I emailed you. I got someone from another thread seems interested.
@uhmski215 You still interested?
@CherryGT still there?
Yes I’m here
@CherryGT in PM
Dunno how to PM here. haha. Ill email you both now.
@CherryGT When would be good for you?
Sundays as best
@CherryGT So if we set up someplace this Sunday?
Ya im down for that
I’m located in Cherry Hill, NJ. Would love to join in a playing group. I’d be reliable for a big game once month minimum. New player but have been playing 1942 quite a bit online. Own 1941 currently.
@dadkins131 hey, I’m actually communicating with a couple guys from Jersey on another thread. We need a place to meet up.
@Justinrenna There’s a cool looking place in Levittown Pa, ( and another place in Cherry Hill that I plan to walk-in and check out. Just curious on how many players are seriously looking to get a game going?
Looks like I can get a free room at the Cherry Hill Library once a month too (i’m a resident).
@dadkins131 no real goal. I was just saying that I’m in contact with 2 others. I believe there is a place in Jenkintown. Levittown is cool too.
@dadkins131 if you set somthing up I’ll show👍🏼
@dadkins131 The spot in Levittown is open 11-6 on Sunday.
I think a good next step to start corralling everyone and taking some action towards our first game, is to organize a private group for players in our local area. Im usually good at organizing people to do fun things, and Facebook groups have always been a great tool for me. It puts a “face” to everyone and see who is ready to take action and sign on for a game. I’ve created a group… please join at the following link!
@dadkins131 “Content not found” so I went on FB and did a search, and found nothing
@Justinrenna Looks like you made it in.