@pestrov-0 Are you still looking for a game or two? I live in Virginia, but I’m retired and can travel. I most often play Global 40 or 1914.
Usually the best way to reach me is by email at jonkrost@comcast.net.
Jonathan Rost
Any players in Oak Park, IL area, including Forest Park, Berwyn, Cicero, North Riverside, Chicago, etc?..
I’d like to meet to play Global 40 or Anniversary, or even HBG 36.
I can drive in Chicago and near West Burbs area. Please let me know. Thanks.
@phd_angel Hey - just signed up. I’m in OP and crave A&A a couple times a year. I’ve only played the original and the Euro version (don’t own any). Willing to meet up and learn though. I have some openings in January.
@shakebox Cool. Welcome. I sent you a PM.
Are you still looking for players? I’ll be visiting in June probably, also in September. Best way to reach me is by email, jonkrost@comcast.net