Just my luck as I just started getting into the game. I have not found anybody to play in my area with the physical minis yet.
What area?
After much persuading by my brother, I am starting to make the switch to the Flames of War community. At least we are able to make good use of our many Axis & Allies Minis. Check out my brother’s conversion process:
I really wish Axis & Allies Miniatures had caught on and built a gaming community like Flames of War. :-(
I like the AAM rules alot … just can’t find any local players. As for local Flames of War players, ther are at least 10 of them. BattleFront miniatures must be doing something right with their WWII minis game.
Well, I hope we continue to see you here for some play-by-post games!
It seems like we’ve lost a lot of players in the last month or two…
Yeah – I hope we still see you around. I’m always sad to hear when people can’t find local players. :-( I only have one person to play with but that’s better than no one. I’ve been so graciously offered by you guys to play online but I’m a little hooked on playing with the actual miniature. It’s kind of funny, like being able to play “army men” as a grown up. I had tons of army men as a kid but this is even better.
I’m playing with the Japenese for the first time in years today. I have a feeling my 6 win streak is about to come to an end.
The people around here that play A&AM seem to all play FoW as well, except for me. I hate having to make my own units (paint, glue, etc), the cost of all those Warhammer type games, and the fact it’s more complex. To be fair though, aside from this game, I hate table-top games like D&D or whatever. It’s kind of like how I think it’s cool to play CoD4 online, but think WoW is for dorks…. Flames looks like a decent game, I just don’t get it, I guess.
The people around here that play A&AM seem to all play FoW as well, except for me. I hate having to make my own units (paint, glue, etc), the cost of all those Warhammer type games, and the fact it’s more complex. To be fair though, aside from this game, I hate table-top games like D&D or whatever. It’s kind of like how I think it’s cool to play CoD4 online, but think WoW is for dorks…. Flames looks like a decent game, I just don’t get it, I guess.
Dude that is so funny you mentioin that Ducky. I was a Warhammer FREAK in when I was a kid and MY WHOLE LIFE was painting those damn miniatures before battle. I wanted to do a good job too, so I would sometimes spend 6-9 hours on just one. That’s all I did, paint and play. Oh – and listen the The Doors and Rush while painting (on tape). God I was such a dork! :-P
The people around here that play A&AM seem to all play FoW as well, except for me. I hate having to make my own units (paint, glue, etc), the cost of all those Warhammer type games, and the fact it’s more complex. To be fair though, aside from this game, I hate table-top games like D&D or whatever. It’s kind of like how I think it’s cool to play CoD4 online, but think WoW is for dorks…. Flames looks like a decent game, I just don’t get it, I guess.
Dude that is so funny you mentioin that Ducky. I was a Warhammer FREAK in when I was a kid and MY WHOLE LIFE was painting those damn miniatures before battle. I wanted to do a good job too, so I would sometimes spend 6-9 hours on just one. That’s all I did, paint and play. Oh – and listen the The Doors and Rush while painting (on tape). God I was such a dork! :-P
lol that’s funny. I guess everyone has something shameful to admit. My only serious dorkiness comes in the form of Star Wars knowledge. I don’t care how dorky I look anymore though…. I look like a football hooligan so nobody would hassle me anyways :P Though I do feel like I stick out like a sore thumb at the shop I buy minis at….
At 43 years of age I’m doing a university undergraduate degree in psychology. Last night I dropped by the campus gaming club. They thought I was administration there to kick them out of the room the had not properly booked.
Though there is the “classics gamers” (ie not computer side) they are Warhammer 40,000 guys. I’ll introduce them to AAM if I can but I too don’t really fit their crowd.
The conversion project is complete. See each stage in detail at: www.battlevault.com
I look forward to trying out this AAM conversion force in my first Flames of War tournament on October 4th.
At 43 years of age I’m doing a university undergraduate degree in psychology. Last night I dropped by the campus gaming club. They thought I was administration there to kick them out of the room the had not properly booked.
Though there is the “classics gamers” (ie not computer side) they are Warhammer 40,000 guys. I’ll introduce them to AAM if I can but I too don’t really fit their crowd.
Audacity–-that is HILARIOUS. Lol!!!
Warhammer started out as a great game. I was more on the fantasy side but I played 40k as well. There are just too many rules. A&A, while it’s rules are not nearly as clear (that why I love this board and you guys that always help me out with understanding) its beautiful in it’s simplicity, yet there are a disproportionate number of complicated tactical things you can do. You can demonstrate tactical brilliance in this game with ease.
Warhammer had to change it’s whole rule book and it wasn’t because of new units being added. It was becuase their system is flawed and still is in my book. I remember having a huge Orc/Goblin army and my friend playing the Skaven was totally killing me because of all these magic abilities with no rules to trump them. So in essence, he had units that were INVINCIBLE. The magic phase began to take precidence over any other combat in the game. Skirmishes would occur between units and casualties would take place yet in the magic phase, entire battalions would be wiped out by summoning demons and whatever else. It was just ridiculous. It turned into a sad version of “magic the gathering” which I’ve never played for the record.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay was the roleplay I gamemastered for a period of 4 years. It was brilliant. One book. That’s it. No compendiums, bestiaries or rule revisions. It was all on the Gamemasters imagination to create something new within the rules. I had a huge group. I spent hours in my notebooks which contained full blue prints to every building they would ever enter, full bios on characters they would meet and detailed maps of their every surrounding. I even had many different random generators I designed for when they entered huge cities. These detailed what specific buildings looked like and what they would come across. I spent my life in those notebooks and my gamers were totally hooked. That was one of the most fun games I’ve ever played where my writing and imagination could really shine and make everyone have fun.
Of course, like every roleplaying game, there comes a time to retire players and quit or start over. The cool thing is the one magician in my group worked for 3 years to get his character to a place of power. During the 4th year he became powerful enough where no enemy or entire army could stop him so we retired his character. What was cool is his journey to get that powerful took 3 real years.
I love this game. My passion for WW2 history coupled with the love of models, miniatures and strategy.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay was the roleplay I gamemastered for a period of 4 years. It was brilliant. One book. That’s it. No compendiums, bestiaries or rule revisions. It was all on the Gamemasters imagination to create something new within the rules. I had a huge group. I spent hours in my notebooks which contained full blue prints to every building they would ever enter, full bios on characters they would meet and detailed maps of their every surrounding. I even had many different random generators I designed for when they entered huge cities. These detailed what specific buildings looked like and what they would come across. I spent my life in those notebooks and my gamers were totally hooked. That was one of the most fun games I’ve ever played where my writing and imagination could really shine and make everyone have fun.
Of course, like every roleplaying game, there comes a time to retire players and quit or start over. The cool thing is the one magician in my group worked for 3 years to get his character to a place of power. During the 4th year he became powerful enough where no enemy or entire army could stop him so we retired his character. What was cool is his journey to get that powerful took 3 real years.
Props to the guy with the magician. I’ve played WFRP (I have all the old books and some of the new ones) and every adventure we’d lose 20% of the characters. And a starting Wizards Apprentice in Warhammer was about as touch as the Rat Catcher’s (Small But Vicious) Dog.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay was the roleplay I gamemastered for a period of 4 years. It was brilliant. One book. That’s it. No compendiums, bestiaries or rule revisions. It was all on the Gamemasters imagination to create something new within the rules. I had a huge group. I spent hours in my notebooks which contained full blue prints to every building they would ever enter, full bios on characters they would meet and detailed maps of their every surrounding. I even had many different random generators I designed for when they entered huge cities. These detailed what specific buildings looked like and what they would come across. I spent my life in those notebooks and my gamers were totally hooked. That was one of the most fun games I’ve ever played where my writing and imagination could really shine and make everyone have fun.
Of course, like every roleplaying game, there comes a time to retire players and quit or start over. The cool thing is the one magician in my group worked for 3 years to get his character to a place of power. During the 4th year he became powerful enough where no enemy or entire army could stop him so we retired his character. What was cool is his journey to get that powerful took 3 real years.
Props to the guy with the magician. I’ve played WFRP (I have all the old books and some of the new ones) and every adventure we’d lose 20% of the characters. And a starting Wizards Apprentice in Warhammer was about as touch as the Rat Catcher’s (Small But Vicious) Dog.
YES!!! That’s aweseome. I can’t believe you have those books! I never even heard of the new one. My book was ancient and I hope it’s still around somewhere. Yeah – Bloody game. I loved how in battles your body parts would just shatter or your eye could even get hit and explode in your own head. That game was ruthless and I had characters that had to just keep trying.
OK, I just got back from playing my first Flames of War WWII table-top wargame tournament and all I can say is that I much prefer the Axis & Allies Miniatures gaming system.