theres 3 of us that i no. surprize attack, drop it twice. and me kabloom. we all play in central new york (morrisville) we allso have 3 other people that play with us but they dont play on line
Need suggestions for Axis 100 point army
Hi folks,
Does anyone have any suggestions for a 100 pt Axis army as well as strategy. I have been extremly lucky in my boxed sets. What do you think 1944 limit.
Should I
Panzer IV
SS Haupsturm
SS Storm Trooper
Kar 98
Vet Infantry
Panzer Gren
Fortress Defend100
Vet Tiger
SS Haupstrum
SS Stormtroop
Panzer Gren
Kar 98
Black Shirt
Vet InfantryStrategies welcome
A Veteran Tiger is way too risky for a 100 point army. An American player that fields a “Locksteed” will kill an infantry every round and all hell have to do is have 2 or 3 shermans to kill off the Veteran Tiger. I would recommend a Panzer IV along with two ME-109 and several SS Panzergrenadiers a long with the Haupsmenfuhrer.
Thanks Mech. Tiger out. I’ll save that for a nasty surprise. Don’t have any ME’s yet nor any SS PG’s. I’ll have to get on that. I suspect he will be unable to field more than 2 shermans. My 1st game is on the 9th.
Thanks Mech. Tiger out. I’ll save that for a nasty surprise. Don’t have any ME’s yet nor any SS PG’s. I’ll have to get on that. I suspect he will be unable to field more than 2 shermans. My 1st game is on the 9th.
Cool. By the way im not saying you shouldnt use the Tiger at all. If the game was say 200 points, then its cool to use a Tiger. However since its only a 100 point game, then Id say you shouldnt. Use well placed PAK40’s to cover your armor, two of them should be enough in a 100 point game.
Yes the Tiger will be unleashed. Your right though too much risk and I feel it would demoralize my opponent too much. I have a pak 40 and sfz 250 I’ll use.
I’ve been reading a lot on Mortars any thoughts? I have a disc. Spotter and a 81 mm what about mg42’s I have a couple of those too. It just seems a steep price to pay (20pts) for a mortar and support.
Again I was skunked on sspg at my local shop. Are SS stormtroopers as good?