Hello all - I am new to this board but have been playing Axis & Allies off and on since the '80s. I recently bought the Revised game and have been reading the rules and testing out the game board.
Fresh meat. I mean, hi, new friend!
Just a few questions:
1. On the Revised map the British capitol logo appears to bridge between the UK and Eire - is there intented to be a land bridge there or does water separate them under the logo?
There is no land bridge there. If there were, the Irish would invade London. No, seriously, no land bridge, and as Hobbes mentioned, Eire is neutral anyways so it has no game effect, even if Eire lasses are bonny.
2. Submerging subs: I don’t get how this improves the play over simply withdrawing the subs to another sea zone as in the old rules. To me it complicates things. And what if you have a sub on a stack of chips? You can’t turn the chips over. Can someone explain how this rule is better?
Sometimes you don’t want to withdraw subs to another zone. Remember how in Revised there was a “stranded sub” that couldn’t retreat that you could blow up? Besides that, think about what happens if Germany goes for Long Range aircraft / invades London on G1. If you send the Atlantic sub at sea zone 8 to attack the UK transport off Eastern Canada, even if you don’t sink the transport, you can submerge. Then UK can’t load units. I think. Anyways - there are times and places for submerged subs.
If you have a sub on a stack of chips, you can turn the sub on top over. If you have want, you can split the stack into two stacks, one to represent unsubmerged, one to represent submerged. But as Hobbes said, it usually doesn’t matter that much. You re-emerge subs at the end of each turn, so it’s not difficult to remember.
3. This is an overall turn sequence question (I’ve wondered this from the original version too.) The game requires up to five players - usually only one is active while the other 4 are passively watching or one other guy is defending. This can make for a slow going game waiting for your turn to come around. Why can’t the action sequence be done by alternating ALL axis powers at once and then ALL allies at once? That way everyone is always active doing something.
Think about it -an Allied turn:
Develop weapons - Allies all do that at once
Purchase units - Allies all do that at once
Attack - Allies all do that at once - if attacking the same territory and can’t agree on losses the defender could decide what they lose.
Non-combat - Allies all do that at once
Place new units - Allies all do that at once
(All other rules apply)
Then it’s the Axis turn and so forth. Have the Axis always go first since they are disadvantaged income-wise.
I wondered if anyone has tried this - it would sure speed up the game…
Yeah, generally you try to play Axis and Allies while you’re watching a movie or painting miniatures or something with your buddies. That’s how it goes.