• Hi,
    A tank passed (Blitz Mvt) throught a (empty) ennemy city and stop in the next (front) hex.
    In the Update Front-Line Markers phase, can I consider that i take control of this empty city ?. (or must I make another mouvement with another unit to occupe this hex to take control ?)

    P.S : Apologize for my poor english…  :roll:

  • Hmmm… two issues here:

    1. The first is that tanks can only blitz 1 hex and enemy controlled cities stop a unit’s movement). If your tank was moving and stopped at the city and then blitzed to the next hex then the move is legal. But if the tank had already moved and was blitzing into the city then it couldn’t have moved to the hex in front.

    2. Regarding your question, yes you need to have one of your units on the city to gain control of it during the update front line markers phase.

  • @Hobbes:

    If your tank was moving and stopped at the city and then blitzed to the next hex then the move is legal.

    Why “stopped” ?
    Paying an extra supply token at the begining of the mouvement allow a tank to move throught an ennemy zone of control. I don’t think that’s is stopping before this bonus.
    So my question is :
    When the Tank move throught an ennemy city hex and continue later, is that city hex is considered controlled or not ?


  • @Bert:


    If your tank was moving and stopped at the city and then blitzed to the next hex then the move is legal.

    Why “stopped” ?
    Paying an extra supply token at the begining of the mouvement allow a tank to move throught an ennemy zone of control. I don’t think that’s is stopping before this bonus.
    So my question is :
    When the Tank move throught an ennemy city hex and continue later, is that city hex is considered controlled or not ?


    An enemy city hex stops movement of any of your units entering the hex. This is on page 19 at the top.

    An extra supply for a blitz move allows your tanks one additional hex of movement after it is required to stop.

    You would control such a city come Phase 4 if it is on your side of the front line marker.

  • @frimmel:

    You would control such a city come Phase 4 if it is on your side of the front line marker.

    Its just the term “Occupied” that was’nt very clear for me (P.22, 4th paragraph). So if an axis tank move throught an allied city during the Mvt Phase 3, but not staying in this city (Blitz bonus), the Axis may claim the control of this city on phase 4 ?

  • @Bert:


    You would control such a city come Phase 4 if it is on your side of the front line marker.

    Its just the term “Occupied” that was’nt very clear for me (P.22, 4th paragraph). So if an axis tank move throught an allied city during the Mvt Phase 3, but not staying in this city (Blitz bonus), the Axis may claim the control of this city on phase 4 ?


    Another way to think of it is that as long as the other side doesn’t have troops and it is on your side of the frontline you control the city. You can claim a city even if you don’t move units to it or through it as long as it is on your side come Phase 4. Control is determined by the front line markers not whether your units have been in the empty city.

  • Sure ?
    P22 : (About the control of the 3 hexes on the eastern three sides)
    … Unless there is an Allied controlled Infantry, Tank, Artillery, Truck, or supply token there, or an Allied city that hasn’t been occupied yet by Axis Infantry, Tank, or Artillery

    I think you must occupy (or pass throught…) to claim control no ?

  • From the FAQ: http://boards.avalonhill.com/showthread.php?t=16817

    The Operations Manual states that you can use an extra Supply token to blitz a Tank an extra hex when it normally would end its movement. It specifically mentions that you can do this while in an enemy zone of control. It does not, however, specifically mention blitzing in respect to entering an empty enemy-controlled city. Can you also blitz in this situation, or do the Tanks have to stop for the remainder of the Movement & Reinforcement phase because the roads in the city are “congested”?

    Tanks can indeed blitz after moving into an enemy-controlled city. The blitz action simply adds one hex to a Tank’s movement, regardless of why that movement ended.

    I based my blitz question answer on this.

    I might be wrong about having to TAKE a city by move in or pass thru.  :| Krieghund will show up soon most likely and set us straight.  :-)

    This situation has not come up in any of my games. Empty cities get occupied or passed through.

  • Official Q&A

    Hobbes is correct.  You must have a combat unit (infantry, tank or artillery) in an enemy-held city when the front line marker is moved in order to take control of it.  If you don’t, the city remains as a pocket of enemy-held territory behind your lines.  This will occur any time you bypass or pass through any hex containing an enemy truck, supply token or city without leaving a combat unit in the same hex so it will be there at the end of the turn when the lines move (see an example of this on page 22 of the Operations Manual).

  • Ok
    Thank’s  8-)

  • :oops: D’ohhh :oops: I knew Krieghund would set us straight.  :-)

    Really though. I haven’t had any situations where I’d want to NOT occupy the enemy held city so it never seemed really important to ask if you had to.

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