I’ve finished and corrected all the setup charts for both the OOB 1940 scenario as well as Larry Harris’ 1942 scenario. They can be downloaded in one ZIP file
As my custom map use a few name changes to territories of both Russia and China, I’ve added the setup charts with the old names as well as the new names. So you can print what you like best.
Note I’ve slightly updated the artwork such that the white letters now have a black border just as in the original artwork. 2 previews below:

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Hi guys,
Parallel on finishing my Anniversary map file and working on my custom roundels I started working on custom setup charts for Global 1940. I wanted to have custom setup charts to a few reasons:
- I personally don’t like the wordy way the setup charts on the box are. I prefer table style layout so it becomes easy to spot how many of which unit type you’ll need
- The global 1940 setup has a few minor changes compared to the setup on the boxes. This way we don’t have to double check the rule book for the minor changes
- I will include a setup chart for the neutral territories (as I’ve removed the standing army number in my custom map file for Global 1940).
- It becomes easy and straightforward to add the 1942 setup variant as well
Inspired by the work of Siredblood I started designing with two design principles in mind:
- the same look and feel as the original artwork of the game
- should fit inside the original boxes that come with the game
Once again shout out what you think about them! And let me know if things can be improved.
Download Germany

Download Japan

Download UK

Before I came up with these charts I worked on a system with one card per territory with visual clues to which units should be placed there. This will generate a lot of cards which I thought would be to cumbersome. But check it out for yourself anyway: