Depending on the year, the Finnish soldiers can fight off the Russian and then fight off the Germans. Do they come with skis on or a sauna?
A&A Minis Module Support - Unit Requests
Ok test run sucessful. Added UK_Comet A-34. And it looks like Mot had the Soviet Grenadier.
Mot says he’ll be back in a week so there’s no sense to add an update to mapview 1.11.
But when he comes back hopefully all the units from Sets III & V will be tailor made for the new mapview version 1.11.
You da man!
Is there a new Grizzled Vet? That thing is kinda sad, if you need one let me know and I’ll make it.
Oh you mean the tiny vet? I actually got re-sized Bren, Griz. Vet, Vet SMLE, Communist Pars., Luftwaffe inf, and the Inspiring hero that I’m just gonna swap out the bmps. and click regions.
One thing though DZ, I can’t find the click regions notepad for 6 of the Soviet units in mot’s “units to add file”. Everything else seemed to be just fine. My trial period of Corel PSP ran out on my new laptop, which kinda pissed my off. If you could get the click regions for the following units that would be great for now.
Su-85, Katyusha, Red Army Observer, Cossack cavalrymen, Il Sturmovik.
Thanks DZ. -
20,20,40,20Cossack Cav
25,15,25,25IL 10
20,20,35,20Red Army FO
30,20,20,20Sov Gren
30,20,18,25SU 85
20,20,45,25 -
got it…