@krieghund thx
1st game & impression/questions
I think each side needs an additional AC at this point in the first turn but I don’t think the addition of more BBs is worth the cost. But I’m thinking that in my future games there will be a more bitter fight for New Georgia and those extra dice from the sea might be needed. Maybe get them from Cruisers though instead of the Battleships?
Many of the players I play with are Classic A&A thinkers too but they also have been happy with the mighty sea battles that this game offers and let me tell you the Yamato or Iowa adds a hefty amount to the fights off New Georgia, in our recent blowout game the IJN sported 3 BB’s, 2 CV’s and about 5 cruisers in its rout of the USN, the Japanese player wanted to go for the knockout by overpowering the wobbly USN. Cruisers are a good buy, especially if you are down in the IPC count.
I really like the Crusiers, Japan starts with quite a nice compliment. I think I had a nice little stack of 5 with more on the way. I would like to see if more BBs is worth it, more test games are neccessary.
Id also like to try an arty strategy, see how many pot shots you can get at enemy navy, its a pretty cheap way to get an extra sea attack for battles.
I also think it might be a good idea to buy tranies or destroyers and rush supplies (spending extra) to have them come out right next to the island you can build an airfield on, makes for a pretty good forward line.
I like how 1 or 2 AAA guns pretty much makes airplanes take some beats before they get to do anything, and if you have a few planes on CAP, faggedaboutit.
I like how all those good vessels are 2 hit aswell, makes you feel less timid about putting them in harms way.
I like how we are back to an economy system, without predetermined reinforcements. Its fun deciding how you want to spend yer RPs.
Classic A&A thinkers will probably default to buying more ACs than they should, in this game they are 0,0,0 units - that just goes against everything I know about A&A.
I think the biggest question on additional Carriers is whether you want your home base FTRs in the fight now or want to wait till you suffer some losses and bring them up as replacements?
At the moment I’m inclined to get at least 1 AC so some can get in the fight on turn 2. But it is still early days with this game.
IN Axis and Allies Guadalcanal,
Can hit air units in land or sea attack; sea units in air or land attack or land units (artillery) in sea attack?
Tanks you!:?
Dante Pisa Italia -
There is a phase for Air, Naval, and land combat. During each phase only that type of unit is hit. During each phase ALL units with a Air attack for example may add their dice to the attack.
Say you have a zone after movement that has 2 fighters, 1 Bomber, and a battleship in it for the US and the same for the Japanese. During the air attack phase the planes will attack each other and the ships will attack the planes. But only planes will be lost during this phase. Then any planes that survive and the Battleship will attack the enemy battleship. Only the battleships can be hit in this phase.
It works similarly on land.
Just follow the phases on the reference card the phase determines what units are hit. A unit adds attack dice if it has an attack value for the units in the phase you are on even if they shot in an earlier phase. Battleships can attack Air, Sea and Land phase but AA only attack during air.
Does that clear things up? :-)
Yes it’s clear
thank you
:-) Dante Pisa Italia
At the moment I’m inclined to get at least 1 AC so some can get in the fight on turn 2. But it is still early days with this game.
As am I. You can get more fighters into enemy territory further away to cause distruptions with trannies and such.
With a more defensive strategy, you could still have fighters on CAP over yer navy without any extra carriers. Perhaps the USA is in a better position to do this, seeing as they start closer to the second 2-airfield island, plus they have plenty of bombers at the start aswell. Might be worth checking out…
One more question to ask, Im sure I say it here answered in a different thread but:
What happens to cargo on a destroyer when its only damaged? I seem to recall it gets destroyed, but dont quote me.
One more question to ask, Im sure I say it here answered in a different thread but:
What happens to cargo on a destroyer when its only damaged? I seem to recall it gets destroyed, but dont quote me.
You can be quoted because that is what happens to it. :-)
I have seen Krieghund say it a couple of places and he is pretty much always correct.
Yup, it’s on pages 19 and 20 of the Operations Manual.
Ok, one more question:
At the beginning of the game, Japan has at least 1 unit on each island. In the case of Choiseul or Santa Isabel, if you remove that single infantry, do you lose control? Do the reinforcement points suddenly go to the natives? Or is it still yours until someone else lands a unit on it, hence the Japanese flag icon indicating you have control in the box with the single unit?
Second part:
If you have 1 AAA on and island, since it has no land attack value, can it keep control of an island for you?
Ok, one more question:
At the beginning of the game, Japan has at least 1 unit on each island. In the case of Choiseul or Santa Isabel, if you remove that single infantry, do you lose control? Do the reinforcement points suddenly go to the natives? Or is it still yours until someone else lands a unit on it, hence the Japanese flag icon indicating you have control in the box with the single unit?
If the US player has no ground units on that islands, than you keep control.
Second part:
If you have 1 AAA on and island, since it has no land attack value, can it keep control of an island for you?If the other player has no units on that island: Yes.
If the other player has land units on that island, but your navy near that island has in summary more supporting points than your enemy with ground units and navy: Yes.In short: You only lose control of an island if the enemy has ground units on it and the dice value of enemy force is bigger than yours. Naval units only count if there is at least one ground unit (can be an AA gun) on island. Air units not count in.