I really like the Crusiers, Japan starts with quite a nice compliment. I think I had a nice little stack of 5 with more on the way. I would like to see if more BBs is worth it, more test games are neccessary.
Id also like to try an arty strategy, see how many pot shots you can get at enemy navy, its a pretty cheap way to get an extra sea attack for battles.
I also think it might be a good idea to buy tranies or destroyers and rush supplies (spending extra) to have them come out right next to the island you can build an airfield on, makes for a pretty good forward line.
I like how 1 or 2 AAA guns pretty much makes airplanes take some beats before they get to do anything, and if you have a few planes on CAP, faggedaboutit.
I like how all those good vessels are 2 hit aswell, makes you feel less timid about putting them in harms way.
I like how we are back to an economy system, without predetermined reinforcements. Its fun deciding how you want to spend yer RPs.
Classic A&A thinkers will probably default to buying more ACs than they should, in this game they are 0,0,0 units - that just goes against everything I know about A&A.