I haven’t used that map, but I’d recommend scaling your pieces up by about 10-20% to keep things proportional. Test fit as you go to make sure it works.
Heavy Tanks Pieces
In my house rules I have incorporated Heavy Tanks as a unit, similar to GHG’s Heavy Tank rule.
My question is what piece do you use for the each nation?
Specifically the Italians/minor Axis.
In my house rules, I only allow the US, UK, USSR, Germany, and Italy to build Heavy Tanks.
I bought units from HBG, and I was very pleased with the quality.
In trying to select a Hvy Tank for Italy though I bought a brown Stugs. The units look great, but they are about the same size as the OOB tank. I really would like a larger unit for the Italians, but I am not sure which to get. -
I cheated and painted some German tanks Italian brown from this set;
http://www.historicalboardgaming.com/Bring-in-the-Heavies-Might-of-the-Reich_p_2146.htmlI looked for months and couldn’t find any Italian tanks that were physically larger than the OOB tanks.
In my house rules I have incorporated Heavy Tanks as a unit, similar to GHG’s Heavy Tank rule.
My question is what piece do you use for the each nation?
Specifically the Italians/minor Axis.
In my house rules, I only allow the US, UK, USSR, Germany, and Italy to build Heavy Tanks.
I bought units from HBG, and I was very pleased with the quality.
In trying to select a Hvy Tank for Italy though I bought a brown Stugs. The units look great, but they are about the same size as the OOB tank. I really would like a larger unit for the Italians, but I am not sure which to get.You could use the German Tiger Tank and by brown flat primer paint to paint then use a matte clear coat to seal it. This could work, or do what GHG said. I hope this helps.
From a historic point of view I dont think any nation lesser than France had the industry to produce Heavy Tanks. Maybe Italy could too, but there is the border. Because of that fact I think nobody will ever make a sculpt of a minor nations heavy tanks. But lucky to us, HBG make all their sets in any color, so check that web side out, man. I just checked and you can get the Russian KV 2 Heavy Tank in 4 different colors, use that as an Italian heavy tank
edit, and you always have Shapeways.com that make all kind of tanks in 3 D print, but you have to pay for it, not cheap
These are the tanks we used for Heavy Tanks.
Germany: King Tiger and Maus tanks (Amerika)
Russia: IS-2 (OOB set)
Japan: O-I tank (Amerika)
USA: T28 “Dragon” Tanks (Amerika)
UK: Tortoise Tank (HBG Shapeways)
Italian Semovente 90 Tank (Amerika - Japan Antitank extremely close to what the Semovente looked like)
ANZAC: T29 Tanks (Amerika)
France: ARL-44 Tank (HBG Shapeways)Sorry no pics since Photoshop wont let me share links for free anymore.
Thanks for the suggestions, those are definitely some good ideas.
Historically, the Italians produced the Carro Armato P.40 “heavy tank” just before the war ended for them. Although, it was really more like a medium tank, the Italians called it a heavy tank. You can get it from the HBG site from the global war expansion area. I have not ordered it yet so I don’t know if it is physically larger than OOB tanks or not.
The only minor that had access to heavy tanks was Hungary which had a few Tiger I tanks given to them by the Germans. -
If anything the HBG P 40 is smaller than OOB.
Yeah I wish HBG would take a pic with the scupt next to an OOB unit, so you can get a better concept of its size.
So I ended up just buying some more Tigers, painted them brown, and decided not worry about the historical accuracy.