The 1 round fighter air superiority is excellent. We tried it for more rounds once and only once, it was very expensive. And every one only bought fighters. If you change that you need to make air cheaper to buy. Possibly lower attack/defense value also. Or there will be fighters on CAP every where, making them cheaper or same cost as destroyers with more movement. This would eliminate most naval builds in our group by Cost vs ability. We consider this a game breaking change and decided to never try it again! All units would need a cost change resulting in an entirely different game.
Currently the cost and values of all aircraft work very well. If you change one thing other things are affected in a chain reaction to maintain balance of purchase and prevent Over-Powered units.
Or simply do as tac bomber already is and give fighters target select @ 1-3 on air units and eliminate the air superiority round completely. This one appeals to me most with its simplicity.
I agree with this diagnosis.
My main trials on Fgs imply cost change.
I came to something near 1914 aicraft: 6 or 7 PUs and attack 2 defense 2. D12: A4 D4
And TcB changes to 7 or 8 PUs attack 3 defense 2. D12 : A6 D4
In these case, there was no split on dice results.
All Fgs hit were first applied on enemy’s aircraft, when available.
All TcBs hit allows to pick ground target of your choice, usually Tank.
To keep full Carrier off/def ratio, I have to make it 3 planes carrier and increase defense factor from Defense 2 to 3, (D12 : D5 or 6).
I played with both OOB warships cost and lower cost structure (SS 5, DD 6, CA 9, CV 12, BB 15).
The difference is that in OOB cost structure, Subs 6 PUs and 7 PUs Fighters were chosen as fodder while at reduced cost 6 PUs Destroyer and Fg were chosen.
Also, OOB cost makes costly capital warships were the last standing units in Naval combat: Carrier and Battleship. I found that this battle with Fgs and planes shot down first and Capital Warships remaining more fitting than usual Fg and BB last standing units.
Every combat round dogfight bring a greater realism feel. And at 6 or 7 PUs it is not very different from Antitank guns taking out Tank at 6 PUs or AAA shooting down planes.
I also have to improve AAA to make it defend each combat round for lower cost, otherwise Fgs make AAA totally obsolete; bringing mobility, versatility and are good for both offense and defense.
Also, allowing dogfight makes for rules which create such opportunity in ground battles, not just mostly naval.
It was allowed to land up to 2 Fgs or TcBs in a just conquered TT.
So, instead of keeping Fgs away from border defense and keeping attacker using planes against only ground units stack, it becomes more popular to bring forward AAA and to put 1 or 2 Fgs to shot down attacking unescorted TcBs. All this make for an interesting cat and mouse between Fgs vs TcBs vs Tanks and AAAs.
These are the major changes you can forsee.
Clearly brings a feel of WWII double battlefields tactical situation (in SZ there is air and sea battle, in TT air and land battle).
With opening round dogfight, it brings a glimpse of it for less trouble and modifications.
I hope it will be possible to develop both types of air combat within Triple A G40 Redesign project.
Don’t hesitate to share lessons learned about this opening round dogfight, this will help balance things out.
Tell me how you deal with increased air attrition (cost change?, value changes? Etc.) and StBs or TcBs vs Fgs in dogfight. And how it can improve strategic making decision and depth of game.