Looking for the link to the IPC paper money that was created by sireblood. None of the YouTube videos have the link.
Breaking News - Shapeways.com
calvinhobbesliker, the sets are not yet publicly for sale. As soon as we’ve printed a test set successfully then I will make them available to everyone and post a link here. Figure about two weeks till they are for sale.
Rand, thanks! I’ll private message you a link to those sets. Once you receive them, please private message me here or on Shapeways with your feedback. Oh and yes, you can purchase them in Frosted Ultra Detail (that’s the only material they’ll be available in due to the high level of detail).
Thanks eBard.
Just ordered both the European and Pacific larger sets. As eBard mentioned, both sets were purchased in the ‘Frosted Ultra Detail’ finish.
European - $33.69 CAD
Pacific - $33.70 CADS/H - $14.35 CAD
Estimated Delivery time is October 23 - October 31.
Will update as needed with pictures of new models.
Cheers, Rand.
I now have two volunteers for the Victory Cities sets, but I’ll take one more volunteer for the enlarged Capital Set if anyone is interested.
I would like to volunteer….still need one?
Are the new city markers being released in the original size, or only in the new, larger size?
Trenacker, I’m releasing the new markers in both the original size and an enlarged size (about 30% bigger on average). So you’ll be able to pick the size (and cost) that works best for you. Every city marker I make will be offered in both sizes.
Leatherneckinlv, I’ve sent you a private message with the links to purchase the set.
All: I am all set now for testers. Shapeways is currently doing their manual review of all the models prior to printing them; so far no issues.
I got the sets today and they are amazing. 3 sculpts are a tad too big in I think, pretty sure I got the big version. Beautiful pieces though…I recommend them highly
Would like to see pics (of both sizes) next to infantry for comparison.
I’m scheduled to receive the smaller set next Tuesday and I’ll get photos of the pieces up as quick as I can and will be sure to include an infantry and factory for size comparisons.
Leatherneckinlv private messaged me with the details on the sculpts and I should be able to easily rescale them. I’m still waiting to hear from the other testers to get their feedback. Hopefully if all goes well I can release the set for purchase next week.
Just wondering what pieces you thought were a tad too big. Hoping to get my pieces next week. Cheers, Rand.
It was the Cairo Pyramid, Leningrad Winter Palace, and Ottawa Parliament Building.
I will take pictures tomorrow and then paint them and take pics again……however I’m not a painter, I am a spray painter…haha. Thinking a gold spray paint
As promised here are some pics
Size comparison
France ANZAC
Too big
Just to confirm, these are pics of the larger set?
I saw 2 for calcutta. Prefer the one on the right. Prefer Eiffel tower for paris. Cant wait to scrape up $100 bucks to get a setEdit spelling