Similar to countering a mainly carrier navy with subs. Subs only target the carrier not the planes, and at a cheaper cost. I’ve thrown a stack of cheap German/Japanese subs away, just to kill the american carrier fleet. Planes may all survive but not their carriers. Changes what you need to defend later. I can see this increasing the purchases of cheaper armored units to counter TD stacks. Just as we now never use carriers without a large naval destroyer/sub stack for defense.
Definitely a worthwhile expense for Russia if a German tank stack is knocking, to buy a bunch of tank destroyers. Better on defense than tanks but not ideal for an attack. I’d probably be purchasing these instead of just infantry for defense. May help reduce the rediculous amount of infantry in Russia.
Costs more than self propelled artillery on attack, minus the first strike. But better for multiple rounds and has target selection. I’ve found the target selection in tac aircraft to be surprisingly helpful if you have 5 or more units. Probably the same with the TD against tanks.
Yeah since you brought it up im definitely motivated to use these units. Guess I’ll be buying a stack of white units and painting to match the missing HBG colours. Funny how fast my piece addiction kicks in. Its the jet fighter and heavy tanks all over again lol. Probably the light tanks too so I dont lose expensive armour against these TD. Ahh guess im working overtime again, for this obsession of a game.