• Just play a couple of simple scenarios as outlined in the Start Here booklet.  Then you’ll want to add more and more rules from the detailed rules.  You won’t learn it all in one day.  You and your opponents just need to keep the rule books handy and ask questions as they come up.  It’s far better to play for the fun of the game than to win.  this way you can discuss rule issues with your opponent without feeling like you are giving away tactics or battleplans.

  • When placing your units are there any rules? Like can I put one unit in the NE corner of the map and another in the SW corner (not that I would want to split up the force like that)?

    Thanks for the help again,


  • '19 Moderator

    I believe the rule book has setup rules for diferent types of battles, I think for a head to head its 5 hexes in from one side of the map.  The rule book isn’t very big read it through a couple times and then just play…

  • It does say that without overriding scenario rules that you place within 5 hexes of your side.  What it doesn’t say is whether (for the 6 pre-defined layout in the book) you put the maps width-wise or length-wise.  It would seem width wise would allow for more manuvuering space (which is bound to be more fun, plus make you decide on trad-offs like going strong on one side or the other and trying justa holding action on the opposite side).  But when doiing it width wise one opponent is one or two hexes from the objective.  How do you all play?


  • And yet again more noob questions,    :roll:

    1 ) As far as common, uncommon and rare go do any of you prefer to have rare units? Also lets say you were going hard core Germany and got a rare tank from Japan would you keep it due to its rare status? I ask b/c I wanted to build a US army and in my starter box I got 2 rare Axis tanks (1 Germany and 1 Japan).

    2 ) Do all the boxes come 50/50 Axis Ally split? Can you buy Axis boxes and Allied boxes? I’m assuming no b/c yet again Avon Hill enjoys hold AAM players over the barrel as we discussed earlier.

    3 ) When you guys trade here do you buy and sell or do you one for one swap or both?


  • Well I’m pretty new to this game too, though I’ve been studying up to be able to create that play-by-email version of the game so I’ll try and answer your questions:

    1.  Ignore the rarity of your units when you build, just build the army as you want it.  The majority of your army will be common and uncommon.  By the way, most rares are tanks.  Apparently rarity is determined as much by how much it actually costs to manufacture the model as it is anything else.  There are plenty of sucky game-play-wise rares out there.

    2.  Dunno about the axis/allies split, that’s a good question.  I’ve never counted them.  You can’t buy axis only or allies only.

    3.  I’m sure you can find people willing to buy, sell, and trade.  eBay is a good place to pickup units too.


  • Hey,

    Do any of you guys use that stupid rule of year. I read in the instruction book under the section “Historical Army Limits” the players pick a year and anything made after that can’t be used. You could so cripple an unsuspecting enemy to the point of forfit for not having half enough points to play. I think its a stupid rule don’t think I’d ever use it. Its hard now to get units you want b/c you can’t just pick them up off the shelf, that would be way to hard.


  • That rule is just to add some variety for players who have “been there, done that”.  A lot of people seem to have vast collections where the year limit isn’t an issue.

    By the way, you would know the year limitation before you built your army.  In the early stages, building a new army is the fun part.  I wouldn’t lock yourself in to just haveing one 100 pt army and chucking everything else.  I plan on building a new army to try different things each time I play.  If i had multiples of every unit I might be tempted to find some solid builds off the net, but the fact I don’t means that me and my friend (we play with my pieces) have to be creative and improvise with the units we’ve got!


  • You know Mot your right I’m putting the cart before the horse before I even get out of the starting blocks. I should focus on just getting an army started.

    Do any of you have buddies that build their own armies? Or do you die hard AAM fans have to foot the bill and build both armies? just wondering b/c I’m think I’ll end up in the later category.


  • I’m in the latter for now, but me hope is to suck them in :)

    Hey LT04, if it’s a little while before you will be playing your first game, care to try out a few turns via forum with me?  I won’t feel like such a lame-o if I make really basic mistakes against another beginner.


  • Sounds like a plan (BYOB right? he he  :lol:)

    working A&A games on a fan-dangled, thing-a-ma-jig computer is new to me, I have always played FTF this will be my first on-line A&A anything game.

    How do you work the dice via computer for AAM?


  • There is some type of built-in roller on this message board…

    Let me try:

    :dice 6@4

  • :? Did it work?


  • Let me try that again

    :aaa 6@4

    aaa 6@4

  • Well, someone will tell us how to do it eventually :)  I know it can be done, I’ve just never really used it.

    You’ll also need to be running a windows-based PC.  Jump over to the thread on “Play by post” in this same forum for all the details.


  • Yeah I was going to suggest that  :-)


  • '19 Moderator


    (Colon)aaa 2(number of dice)@3(number needed for success)(Colon)

    It shuld look like this:

    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 22@3: (1, 2)
    with muliplesuccess catagories:

    DiceRolls: 1@1 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)1@2: (4)1@3: (6)

  • Hmmm… let me give it a try.

    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (2, 4)

    cross your fingers, here I go


    P.S. thanks for the info Dezrtfish.

  • I’m also in the “foot the bill” category.  But, I’m going to by my buddies starter kits for their next birthdays or whatnot.  Once they have a couple of pieces of their own, the desire to get more will likely kick in.

    Keep in mind, with that dice roller that it’s set up for regular A&A.  So, you can’t really use the number of hits accurately.  You can still register the die rolls though.

    Let me see what my tank will do:

    DiceRolls: 17@4; Total Hits: 1417@4: (5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

  • '19 Moderator

    and… Bam! just like that something dies…

    Do you feel a little bit deified?  The power of life and death in your grasp?

    lol have fun…

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