• Sounds like a plan (BYOB right? he he  :lol:)

    working A&A games on a fan-dangled, thing-a-ma-jig computer is new to me, I have always played FTF this will be my first on-line A&A anything game.

    How do you work the dice via computer for AAM?


  • There is some type of built-in roller on this message board…

    Let me try:

    :dice 6@4

  • :? Did it work?


  • Let me try that again

    :aaa 6@4

    aaa 6@4

  • Well, someone will tell us how to do it eventually :)  I know it can be done, I’ve just never really used it.

    You’ll also need to be running a windows-based PC.  Jump over to the thread on “Play by post” in this same forum for all the details.


  • Yeah I was going to suggest that  :-)


  • '19 Moderator


    (Colon)aaa 2(number of dice)@3(number needed for success)(Colon)

    It shuld look like this:

    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 22@3: (1, 2)
    with muliplesuccess catagories:

    DiceRolls: 1@1 1@2 1@3; Total Hits: 11@1: (1)1@2: (4)1@3: (6)

  • Hmmm… let me give it a try.

    DiceRolls: 2@3; Total Hits: 12@3: (2, 4)

    cross your fingers, here I go


    P.S. thanks for the info Dezrtfish.

  • I’m also in the “foot the bill” category.  But, I’m going to by my buddies starter kits for their next birthdays or whatnot.  Once they have a couple of pieces of their own, the desire to get more will likely kick in.

    Keep in mind, with that dice roller that it’s set up for regular A&A.  So, you can’t really use the number of hits accurately.  You can still register the die rolls though.

    Let me see what my tank will do:

    DiceRolls: 17@4; Total Hits: 1417@4: (5, 3, 1, 2, 4, 5, 1, 2, 5, 1, 3, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)

  • '19 Moderator

    and… Bam! just like that something dies…

    Do you feel a little bit deified?  The power of life and death in your grasp?

    lol have fun…

  • Well, I disrupted an infantry unit!  If you look at my actual rolls, only 4 hits.  But, look at the 1’s!!!

    That’s a pretty cool tool.

  • '19 Moderator

    Wel lit could have been a Russian Partisan or a fortress defender…

  • An excellent point.  I ROCK!  Ha ha…thanks for the ego boost.

  • NOOB question,

    Subject: Attack and defense

    Attack Successes                  Hits       Against Vehicles                             Soldiers
    less then enemy’s defense     0          nothing                                         nothing
    = to      "                     "     1           disrupted counter (down)               < same

    •          "                     "     2           disrupt & damage (down)                disrupt & destroy (down)
      x2          "                     "    3           disrupt, damage, destroyed (down)  disrupt & destroy (down)

    what the hell does this mean? I took this off the back cover quick start guide. Can some one tell me how to kill bad guys?

    Subject: Movement

    Does a tank turning 180 degrees count as 3 spaces? Do INF move in the same manner?

    Subject: Map

    what side is up?
            2      l                                                     l      3
                    l                                                    l
                   l                                                      l

    (Bad map I know but you get the idea)


  • @Vinius:

    Keep in mind, with that dice roller that it’s set up for regular A&A.  So, you can’t really use the number of hits accurately.  You can still register the die rolls though.

    Can’t you just reverse it to see how man successes you get?  @3 would give you the 3 out of 6 (or 50%) chance of hitting.

    So here is an attack score of 9, with the rollers “hits” being successes in AAM:

    DiceRolls: 9@3; Total Hits: 69@3: (3, 2, 6, 1, 1, 5, 4, 1, 1)


  • Easy one first, turning doesn’t cost any movement pts.  You just have to make sure you are facing the way you want after each time you move.  If you are disrupted you can’t change your facing at all.


  • '19 Moderator

    I just requested a Mini’s routine that hits on higher numbers, we’ll see if that can happen.


    If you roll a number of success equal to the defence of the unit you are shooting at it’s a disrupted.

    If you roll one success more than the defence it’s a hit and disrupted for vehicles for soldiers it’s a kill.

    To get a one shot kill on a vehicle you have to get double the defence.

    When a vehicle is hit it’s permanent so if you hit a unit that has already been hit it’s a kill.

    Of course there are exceptions for some units that are printed on the cards of those units.

    Clear as mud?

  • Combat:

    Ignore the chart for a minute. Â

    As the attacker, you roll how ever many dice you are supposed to (based on the type of target and the range, but this is on each card so it’s pretty easy to figure out).  Every 4, 5, or 6 you get is a “success” (so you get a 50/50 chance on each die of rolling a success).

    Now you just compare your success against the target’s defense value.  If you are equal or greater then you did something to that unit.

    If you TIED the defense score, you place a DISRUPTED marker. Â

    If your successes are GREATER than the defense score you:

    –- place a DAMAGED marker if it is a vehicle (damn that armour!)

    — place a DESTROYED marker if itis a soldier (just use common sense, people aren’t machines so “damaged” doesn’t make the most sense in the world anyway)

    Now if you roll really well and your successes are DOUBLE than the defense score you place a DESTROYED marker no matter what it is.


  • 1 ) So why does it make a big deal about putting markes face down or up?

    2 ) where do you place units to start? In position A or B? ( I did some work on the map maybe that will explain things better)

    Axis (A)
          Axis (B)          l  map 1              l        map 2          l      Allied (B)
                              l ------------------------l-----------------------    l
                              l    map 3            l      map 4            l
                                          Allied (A)

    3 ) Are units able to co-exist in hex’s like in A&A D-Day? (If you haven’t played the game) Axis and Allied units can both be in the same location Axis attack Allies defend, then Allies attack and Axis defend and the turn can end unresloved.


  • Ok, I think I can field these.

    1)  Markers go face down so that you can remove distruption counters from previous turns before resolving disruption counters for the current turn.  During the casualty faze, you’ll remove any currently face up distruption counters (unless a card tells you otherwise) and then turn over all face down counters.

    2)  Generally speaking, you’ll place units on opposing ‘short’ sides of the maps.  Units may deploy within 5 full hexes of the near edge of the map.  That being said, different scenarios may call for special deployments and different units (paratroopers and heros) may deploy differently per their cards.

    3)  All 5 current versions of the minis work together.  You may have up to 4 total units in a hex.  Only two from any given side and only one total vehicle per hex.  Thus, you could have one allied tank and one allied soldier as well as two axis soldiers.

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Axis & Allies Boardgaming Custom Painted Miniatures







