ok no caps
forgot about UK Lend Lease
adding that now, but think its simpler to have no overlapping sea zones between UK and Lend Lease shippping
giving the two distinct sea zones, since shipping from UK colonies are going via east Altantic not west Altantic
proposal text
_Convoy Raid
You collect 1 less IPC from an Island in the Pacific Ocean for every enemy submarine in the Island’s sea zone.
The UK player collects 1 less IPC for each German submarine or destroyer in sea zones 7, 8, 11, and 12.
The Allies receive 1 less Lend-Lease IPC for each German submarine or destroyer in sea zones 1,2, 3, 4, 9 and 10. Damages in sea zone 3 and 4 can only be applied to USSR._
I like the text, but not liking the IPC cap. I dont think it should be capped.
yeah ok
I’ve got rid of the cap as you wish, if you change your mind we can set a new higher limit
The reason for capping is that the new system models hitting general shipping rather than flow of war shippping. War economy has more immunity than general economy. Also, wouldn’t want to see players bleed ridiculously.
Also, If a German sub is in specific SZ, i propose this:
German player takes all his subs and consults a chart and rolls a die. He indexes his result with his total number of subs and targets either UK or USA. I will make a chart for each. That way is not so fixed and the result can target one or the other.
Consulting a chart might be too much. The new system should be simpler than the old system.
Recall the primary reason for not using dice is that 1 IPC per submarine is powerful enough. Secondary reason was so we have a simpler rule.
You can also do it this way: all subs within 2 SZ of a UK or USA territory roll on these charts, so you need subs near those territory to qualify.
Wait. Remember you wanted to have specific sea zone so the game is not decided in Brazil lol.
Also, it was your idea that US, Germany and USSR be not affected by Convoy Raids. Only UK, Pacific and Lend Lease.
ON lend lease, you take total subs German has and references it to total Lend Lease, so if USA sends in more, then more can be sunk
example: Germany has 3 subs, usa sent 12 IPC…rolls die…then Germans sink 4 IPC
Germany has 3 subs, usa sent 20 IPC…rolls die…then Germans sink 7 IPC
yeah ok
no limits to lend lease damage
ok i am good with this. Diplomacy would be optional BUT included with the document.
yeah ok
since it is a phase in the turn sequence, its reasonable to give exception to Diplomacy and include in the main document