by the way try to read the whole post before you type up your reply
sometimes it appears you read and reply at the same time which makes the response funny
Retreat (phase 4: conduct combat) -
This is too complicated. lets use something i am familiar with borrow the wargame retreat rules:
its amazing when say “too complicated”
my “fight to death” rule is much simpler than your “fight to death” rule
its the answering of your questions that was long
the actually rule as posted in one post earlier is that either side can declare it and then both sides much fight to death from next combat cycle
example: attacker has 4 tanks against 3 defending infantry. Defender decides that he will retreat 2 infantry, so attacker rolls out and gets 3 hits, so the defender rolls his two hits, then the defender removes both his defending force plus one retreating unit.
um…ok that’s a retreat rule for partial retreat
but we are discussing a retreat rule for fight to death at the moment
yes we can discuss partial retreat too, but wait for phase 4: conduct combat
we are only discussing this “fight to death” (also a phase 4: conduct combat rule) only because we have to confirm we can remove your funny phase 3: combat move rule about unused movement points
partial retreat rule does not replace a fight to death rule
to refresh your memory, this long discuss about retreat is because
*A. you want ability for one to fight to death and tie down the enemy
*B. I want attacker to be able to retreat even if it did performed too well in combat rolls killed defending units
from what you’re saying it seems you are no longer pursuing your issue A, please confirm now!
if you are no longer pursuing A, then we can simply keep AARHE’s current rule (that you can always retreat) to solve my issue B
Naval Movement - hows this coming along?
fact remains that transports are slow (Liberty class 11.5 knots) with or without escorts
transports simply can’t join a dash through a hostile area performed by a fleet of destroyers (Fletcher class 36.5 knots) and carriers (Essex class 33 knots)
some sugguestions:
A. use AA50 rule except transports can’t go through enemy submarines, or
B. use AA50 rule except each submarine can fire once, hits can only be allocated on transports
Soviet Factories (a new rule) -
we don’t want the same factory moving more than once. thats the point. That removes the power of moving a mobile factory every turn.
you want this rule to help the Soviets
I don’t think it’ll help USSR enough if it each IC can only move once per game
anyway once per game is more suitable as a National Advantage
this is too weak. one space? why? its useless to make it one space.
ok, we’ll make it you can relocate anywhere from and to, within Soviet held original Soviet terrtiories
its nothing wrong with “one factory per turn can move or be destroyed” and " placements arrive the following turn that you place factory."
referring to your link
they are saying the plan wasn’t all that instant or magical
so I don’t think you should be able to mobilize at a moving IC this turn
anyway your placements arrive the following turn that you place factory is not well thought out
there is territory limit to number of units you can mobilize
if you pay more IPC than your deployment capacity the the IPC are lost, thats the axis and allies rule
we don’t want to make an except for this non-core rule do we? its only an adjustment rule