hey there
First a big thanks to 94canuck for the game aids and IL for his great map. We’ll use them end of this week for the first time and I’m really looking forward to it after a couple of years with the original 1942 stuff.
I read quiet a lot in this forum, a lot of great info.
What’s a bit unclear to me till know are two things about AA:
- When having a sea-battle prior I can declare which ships take part in the battle and which don’t, so I can use them for offshorebombardement. Do I put those ships and the transports also onto the battle-strip? As far as I unterstood the rules I don’t, but after reading here I unterstand, that the transports take part in the sea-battle, so I’m a bit confused.
- Offshore-bombardement takes place at the beginning of the battle, right? Then I take the ships away from the battle-strip and in the case there are hits, does can shoot back with the other casualties of the defender?
And about the subs:
- they can never hit planes, but can hit if an enemy destroyer is part of the battle, right?
- How does the first strike exactly work? First attacker subs, then defender subs, then the rest of the ships: what happens when with which casualties? And first strike takes place only in the first round of battle, right?
Thanks a lot for the clarification!
Thanks for clarification.