And I forgot about China, thanks for the update.
Posts made by robbie358
RE: Turn Order?
RE: Turn Order?
LOL I love how it took my #8 and made it a smilie.
Turn Order?
What does everyone think the turn order will/should be for the “ultimate” game?
I was thinking 1) Russia 2) Germany 3) France/Holland 4) Japan 5) UK/Canada/India 6) Italy 7) ANZAC 8) USA
RE: The core problem: Building IC
Oh, and UK should be able to build in Canada as well (can’t see why they would, especially if Eastern Canada has a complex already, but oh well).
RE: The core problem: Building IC
So I assume that you include Korea in home territories.
I think it’s a sound idea, but further complicates already complicated beyond repair rules.
USA should be able to build a complex in Alaska if it wants. UK in Hong Kong. France in Indo-China (for the “Ultimate” game, of course). ANZAC in Australia (anywhere). Japan in Korea. Russia in Siberia.
Manchuria is the question for me. If the game wants to be historically accurate then Japan should be able to industrialize Manchuko, though it would provide some balance issues.
Master rulebook?
So do you think they will release A&AE40 with just a Europe rulebook and then a small addendum to let us know how to combine the two games, or will they have to sell a separate, all-encompassing rulebook to cover the A&A “Ultimate Edition” rules completely??
If so how much would you pay for a new fancy-looking rulebook with no mistakes in it?
I’d pay $5 or so.Then again they did that with A&A minis and it cost $30. :(
P.S. Of course when I say “A&A Ultimate Edition” I’m referring to the combined A&A Europe 1940 and A&A Pacific 1940 games.
Prolly saved myself a few dozen questions by stating that. -
RE: Accurate Miniature Equivalents for Custom Painting your 1940 E&P
Holy Crap!
They all look just awesome, way to go. US next I’d assume? Are you gonna do the same for Marines and Army units? -
RE: Rules are pretty confusing
3.) There are fighter escorts in this game for the strategic bombing and there are also fighter defenders, the defenders can only come from the territory being strategic bombed. Fighters attack at 1 and defend at 2 for one round of combat.
You’re right - 1) attacking and defending fighters fire 2) casualties are selected 3) antiaircraft fires 4) casualties are selected 5) strategic bombing occurs
This is the first A&A game since Europe to use those rules, I believe.
RE: Rules are pretty confusing
New Guinea is an island and it’s split in two.
RE: Rules are pretty confusing
Also had a guy give up on the game because there aren’t fighter escort rules during strategic bombing raids like in the original A&A Europe, so I guess I’ve played 4 times.
Rules are pretty confusing
First post all!
Alrighty then, I’ve played 3 games of this so far and lost all three times. the first two times as Japan and the latest as US.
That being said it’s still a fun game, even if I’ve still never played it with the correct rules.
So let me get this straight as an arrow here:The first game we played was at a convention and the judge thought that the “China does not surrender it’s IPCs to Japan” meant that China never loses IPCs at all and get 12 a turn even if taken over totally. Therefore after I captured India the ANZAC player moved a transport up to Shang-hai and China threw down 22 infantry the next turn.
Also, it was unclear when powers could declare war and therefore the US player just said “i’m at war now” and started collecting the 40 ipc bonus.
We also didn’t notice that air bases had to be on island zones in order to sortie, so he flew 4 fighters out of india to kill my fleet as I tried to invade India.
But that’s okay because we also didn’t know that UK could non-combat troops to the Dutch territories and take them over, or the National Objectives rules.The second game I was still Japan and lost because I tried to ignore China and focus on getting all the IPCs that I could from India while bombing them and invading. Only problem was the guy who was playing India (like China in the first game) thought that he never lost IPCs so India had WAY more troops that should be and sorties the fighters out again killing my landing force.
The third game I was USA but we didn’t know about to UK non-combat take over of the Dutch islands and lost because Japan was getting about 72 IPCs every turn while we were struggling. Also india and china didn’t attack at all they just sat there and built infantry.
The other rule i didn’t see before was the US declares war on it’s Collect Income phase of it’s third turn if it hasn’t been attacked by then.
OOPS! lol