You could implement it as a ‘schema’, like Atlantic Wall in the Fortification Expansion.
Posts made by Munck
RE: Destroyers for Bases
RE: New Air Rules (developed by Jinx1527 & myself)
Thanks for sharing!
Contains a lot of well thought out concepts. I like it.Re blitzing: The stuff on the ref. sheet is very similar to the OOB rules?
“Blitz: Units may make an additional Combat Move if the initial attack lasted for three rounds or less and units have sufficient movement. Fighters/Tactical Bombers with sufficient movement can also Blitz with the Blitzing Army Forces. Units cannot Blitz into/out of Mountain Terrain or across a Mountain Border.”
RE: GW36 Exploit - The Rabid Bear Exploit -
But Munck, according to the American reference sheet, and history, Monroe doctrine only applies to South and Central America
I know. But “Western Hemisphere” is explicitly mentioned on the ref. card., so :? :? :?
RE: Player Aids
Politics. Neutrals. Hard for new players, especially if coming from A&A.
Everything on one page.- Who is covered by the Monroe Doctrine
- PAN American
- How many IPP are they worth
- Who can attack
- Which Major nation get Bonus Points
- Which are included in Victory Points
- What happens when they are attacked
- When/if do they align
RE: Monroe doctrine!
A few additional comments:
If the USSR violates the Monroe Doctrine, US, UK & France can immediately declare war on USSR. In ‘normal’ games the Allies can not attack USSR until Axis is defeated. By opening up for Allied attacks early on, they risk loosing all/any conquered Neutral territories.
The Allied player can now attack the strongest opponent (Axis or Comintern), taking just enough victory points to win the game.
Remember: It’s a 3-person game :mrgreen:
RE: Beyond 1945
HBG is working on a “1946 Expansion”. See image of map overlay in the March newsletter:
RE: Any Territory Name Suggestions and Thoughts?
The territories should definitely be ‘amateur ww2-historian’ friendly, like the Northern parts of Africa you mention.
Using regional names for territories that are not a whole country is a viable option.
RE: Any Territory Name Suggestions and Thoughts?
What level of detail do you want to go to?
“South African Union”; the correct phrase is “Union of South Africa”, or you can just use “South Africa”.
“Southwest Africa”; the correct phrase is “South West Africa” -
RE: Any Territory Name Suggestions and Thoughts?
Which Language should be used? English or Regional. Should it be Ireland or Eirie, Western Germany or Westdeutschland. I prefer Regional.
I think English should be used. Reasons:
1. Some of the regional names will be hard/impossible to pronounce for non-native speakers (majority of players). Example: Hungary vs Magyarország.
2. You want a uniform way of doing it, thus taking 1. into consideration, English should be used. -
RE: Any Territory Name Suggestions and Thoughts?
The conditions of map change suggestions:
Unless the territory is a city territory, the suggestion name should not be the name of a city.
There are many places on the current map where this is not the case.
TurinJust to name a few in Europe…
The old map clearly did not adhere to this requirement.
You write that the conditions you set forth are your own (like the one above). Do you envision all territories with city names should be renamed? -
RE: Why I think Aircraft need fixing.
Well I bash my head enough doing that with HBG, so I’ll let you figure if it works or not.
So, you discussed this with HBG?
What did they say? -
RE: USA Strategies
Good point Munck! I wasn’t even thinking about Lend lease when posting, but that’s very valid! Agreed, I always lend lease every turn if possible. Interesting about Iran, how do you lend lease to a neutral country? I thought you had to be controlled or aligned to lend lease?
As soon as a neutral nation is attacked, all major nations can send Lend Lease.
RE: Player Aids
These are also meant to be used on a magnetic board
IPP Tracker
Poster with all units and Victory Points as well as Turkey Influence Tracker